
Dwindling resources put need toyour benefit is an article that describes how energy costs are incurred andhow with simple means and methods maximum energy utilisation can be achievedthrough the use of innovative technologies in traditional finishing processes.Drier configurations, minimum application processes, measuring and controltechnology and fabric examples are described.


Discussing dwindling resources is nolonger relevant today. No matter how alternative energies are generated, wehave to use less energy more effectively. The parliamentary state secretary atthe German Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology, Dagmar Whrl, saidduring the opening of a congress last year: "Energy is the motor for economicgrowth and development worldwide. The conservative use of energy and rawmaterials is not only a major factor for climate protection, but also and moreparticularly an important competitive advantage for companies and national economies.Using resources efficiently allows you to produce more cost-effectively than thecompetition. The awareness that the best energy is the energy that is not usedis gaining more and more significance, particularly in the light of theever-increasing energy and raw material prices."

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The Author is associated with A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KGonchengladbach