Years of human ignorance has diminished our natural resources and aged our planet.Now, people are making an effort to change the way they are treating the planet. Being more environmentally conscious about the impact materials used for fashion have on our planet is one-way designers can reduce waste and help enable a better world. By going eco-friendly can be less harmful to our natural resources. Not all fashion is following this eco-friendly trend, but more designers are embracing the trend toward eco-fashion than ever before. If the entire fashion industry became eco-friendly, it would make a huge difference for future generations because the fashion industry employs over a billion people globally.

Why sustainable development?

The clothing business represents 10 percent of all world trade with developing countries, worth $500 billion worldwide, Priya Patel, creator of Fashion for-development. It is a Washington D.C. based organization that sees fashion as a tool for development around the globe. This sector employs around 30 million people, most from the developing world. This makes clothing one of the largest trade items being imported from the developing world. Many companies understand the importance of being eco-friendly not just from a "feel good" about the environment perspective, but also because it is profitable to do so.

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