The fashion landscape for 2015 is poised for exciting shifts, with new collections like Alexander Wang's leading the charge. As we anticipate the next big trends, it's clear that the influence of social media is paramount. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have transformed how quickly we can access fashion shows and trends, fueling a constant demand for innovation.

In this dynamic environment, small to medium-sized designers are leveraging social media to sell and promote their creations, contributing to a vibrant online fashion community. However, standing out amidst the noise remains a challenge, with many vying for attention in an increasingly crowded space.

Meanwhile, the nail polish economy is set for growth in 2015, with beauty buyers driving demand for intricate and trend-setting designs, including emerging styles like leather nails.

Temporary tattoos are also gaining momentum as a fashion accessory, with major players like Chanel investing in limited edition skin art collections, signaling a shift towards innovative body adornments.

Moreover, big labels are streamlining the gap between runway shows and retail, responding to consumers' desire for instant gratification fueled by the internet's ability to disseminate trends rapidly. This trend towards faster availability ensures that fashion enthusiasts can swiftly access the latest looks, propelling the industry forward into a year of dynamic change and innovation.

Shades and colours for 2015

Every fashion lover wants to predict what shades or colours will dominate the wardrobe in the months to come. That is tough to predict but it is expected that see- through material will be really big in 2015. At the same time, we already notice the emergence of figurative patterns and graphics in a combination that is highlighted through the use of vibrant prints and clashing colours. This is seen by many as the hottest fashion trend that will appear in 2015.

Focus will be on cuts, manufacturing techniques, colours and materials. A really strong contrast will appear and there will be a lot of use of shiny surfaces, metallic surfaces, complex materials and edgy shapes. The influence of antique ornaments will be pretty strong in 2015 and there is a possibility that some vintage elements will also be added to the mix as more classic-minded designers are expected to offer more fashion lines, thus allowing for a more complex showing.

Textile fabrics (weaves and knits) with stripes, subdued effects and checks will be seen as a fashion trend in 2015. Jewel tones like electric blue and bottle green will appear as standouts, as compared to the past seasons icy tones. We are basically moving towards a warmer fashion, which is what many expected after the icy, cold 2014.


As always, we do expect to notice new attempts to come up with something that is stunning. As you surely figured out from what was mentioned above, 2015 will be a year of innovation, with many designers emerging and with the well-known players in the industry bringing in more fashion lines. Because of this, we will surely see some fashion lines that will try to bring in something that is completely new. Make sure to subscribe to the big online fashion magazines so that you can see the new fashion lines as they appear. You never know when something stunning hits you. 2015 will be a great year to follow fashion.

About the author:

The author is a frequent contributor and editor for Fashionology Mag and other online fashion publications. He is also a blogger and travel enthusiast.