Veganism has swept the US, specifically in the last few years. Many Americans have resorted to veganism to help maintain their health and lose weight, writes Kelsey Davis.

Veganism stretches beyond just the kitchen. In fact, you can make a lifestyle change to vegan products as well. These products help the environment and don't sacrifice animal lives for style. By reducing our need for animal products, carbon emissions into the environment are greatly reduced. Veganism helps everybody; the consumers, the animals, and the world. Vegan footwear is an upcoming industry with many fashionable looks and options for all of your fashion needs. Check out these vegan brands and start shopping smarter today.

MooWho: MooWho is a vegan brand that produces bags, wallets, t-shirts, books, and other various accessories. MooWho has stores in New York City and LA, but if you're not close to these locations, its' online store is open 24/7. MooWho's shoes and bags are nothing short of high fashion. You'll love their trendy looks and options.

Zappos: A well-known shoe brand that has become a household name in the last century is Zappos. Zappos carries a variety of brands for men, women, and children of all ages and styles. What many people don't know about Zappos, however, is that they offer an entire section of vegan produced shoes.

Jambu & Co: Jambu is a vegan-friendly company that focuses on style, design, comfort, function and ease. They focus on trendy looks to let you JUBU (just be you). Their sporty and casual style makes them the perfect shoes for your adventurous lifestyle. Whether you're going on a hike or just walking about your neighbourhood, you can express yourself and embark on any adventure with Jambu shoes. As their website states; "We hope to encourage you to reach higher heights, dig deeper into yourself, and explore further to achieve the ultimate adventures." Their shoes have all-terra traction, are water resistant, contain memory foam footbeds, and are completely vegan.

Toms: Toms shoes are famous for their one-to-one donation programme. For every pair of shoes that Toms sells, they donate a pair of shoes to children around the world. This socially-conscious brand is now featuring vegan shoe styles to help stop the suffering, abuse and mistreatment of animals all around the world. Invest in their vegan styles today to help put shoes on the feet of children and do your part to end animal abuse.

More Benefits

Recycling: Recycled items have become a bigger staple in the footwear industry with the rise of vegan shoes. This helps reduce waste and incorporates items we already have items that we need.

Durability: The non-leather technology of vegan shoes is worth the money for the wear and tear. Microfibre technology is tough and long-lasting. They cannot even be marked by a razor blade. They are the perfect solution for those who enjoy outdoor and intense activities.

Comfort: Shoes made with leather alternatives are lighter and more comforting on your feet. They are perfect for professions that involve standing for long periods of time and can benefit the health of your feet by providing support without adding too much additional weight. 

Climate control: Many vegan sneakers also offer a climate-controlled environment for your feet. They will no longer get too hot or cold depending on the weather. The insoles of the shoes help to absorb moisture from the feet which prevent feet conditions from developing.

Easy clean: Because of the texture and make of the shoes, they are incredibly easy to clean. Simply wipe away any dirt or debris with a cloth and voila, they're good as new.

The meat industry is one of the single greatest contributors to emissions of harmful gases into the environment. Leather contributes to this greatly. By cutting out the need for leather and other animal products as society shifts towards vegan food and apparel, carbon emissions will decrease. Carbon emissions directly correlate to global warming; so, by stopping these at the source we are doing wonders for the environment.

Vegan shoes are the stylish, trendy, and comfortable new trend that is sweeping the nation. By investing in vegan-friendly foot apparel, you do your part to help the environment and reduce animal abuse and cruelty. Vegan fashion is the obvious choice for individuals who want to be socially conscious. Do your part by investing in a pair of vegan shoes today.

About the author: Kelsey is the Managing Editor at The Lux Authority.