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Philis Alvic

Philis Alvic

Philis Alvic is an artist who has chosen weaving as the main medium of expression. She constructs her pieces employing complex loom-controlled weave structures, utilizing brightly colored yarns in a variety of textures. Her weaving has been represented in juried, invitational, or solo exhibitions on the regional and national levels. She is an exhibiting juried member of Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen, Kentucky Craft Marketing, and Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft.

Alvic started writing for magazines about technical weaving topics, and soon branched out to include articles on other crafts and art criticism. She has lectured and written on weaving. Alvic has been a consultant on crafts development and marketing in Peru, Morocco, Nepal, India, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Rwanda, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and for five Armenian projects. She is a founding member and Board Treasurer for the Kentucky Craft History and Education Association.

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