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Fibre2Fashion’s B2B network attracts a loyal readership from the global textiles, apparel, and fashion industries. We are always looking for articles that enhance our audience’s understanding of the marketplace and help small and medium businesses gain a competitive edge. Fibre2Fashion accepts web-only articles from both readers and experts. All submissions are reviewed based on content, quality, and relevance. Please note that we reserve the right to accept or reject submissions.

  • Email your article as a Word document to articles@fibre2fashion.com , including your contact details: name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • Submissions are accepted year-round. Due to the high volume, we only respond to accepted submissions. Our response time can range from one to eight weeks.
  • Our readership consists of professionals from the textiles, apparel, and fashion industries, so the same article that might suit a consumer magazine may not be relevant for our website.
  • We welcome contributions from both experienced and new writers on topics including:
    • Core: Textiles, apparel, fashion, technology (textiles and apparel), machinery, technical textiles.
    • Allied: Retail, e-commerce, dyes and chemicals, handloom, handicraft.
    • Related: Leather and footwear.
  • Minimum word count is 800. We prefer articles focused on trends or industry analysis.
  • Do not send promotional articles, sales pitches, or press releases.
  • Do not submit articles more suited to consumer publications.
  • Do not submit articles that have been previously published.
  • Avoid submitting academic papers. If you have a research paper, consider rewriting it to suit a B2B audience.
    # Key Considerations
  • Ensure that all statistics are as recent as possible.
  • All sources and references must be cited or linked.
    # For Students

    Fashion students are particularly encouraged to contribute. However, all student submissions must be accompanied by a letter certifying that the work is original. We are especially interested in original research.


Or write to us on articles@fibre2fashion.com

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