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Interview with Anupam Bhattacharjee

Anupam Bhattacharjee
Anupam Bhattacharjee
Managing Partner
Apparel Solution & Sourcing Links
Apparel Solution & Sourcing Links

Government needs to ensure there is no political problem or worker unrest
Bangladesh, leading manufacturer of readymade garments, has a lot to offer to the global textile industry. The apparel industry of the country claims around 18 to 20 per cent of the global chunk. Anupam Bhattacharjee, Managing Partner of Apparel Solution & Sourcing Links shares facts and figures of the industry with Fibre2Fashion.

What is the size of the apparel industry globally? What is the percentage held by India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh?

The global apparel industry will be close to US$ 600 to US$ 650 billion globally by 2015. Percentage share of India will be approximately 10-12 per cent, Bangladesh will touch 18-20 per cent and Sri Lanka will account for 4-5 per cent.

How do you see emerging manufacturing hubs in your industry in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh?

There are some Export Processing Zones (EPZ) coming up with good facilities. Gazipur is growing very fast with different backward linkage products like fabrics, accessories, machineries, logistics, warehouses along with production units for readymade garments.

How has e-com impacted your business? What steps have you taken to counter or be a part of this boom?

E-com plays a big role in the whole apparel industry. However, as a manufacturer, we are not directly related with e-com. Platforms like Fibre2Fashion help in getting new buyers, customers and suppliers, and you can get some idea about market trends and detailed information about the current apparel industry from there.

*What are the issues plaguing this industry?

The challenges faced by this industry are: *Social responsibility, sustainability, environment and risk management *Engaged customers, need for speed, supply chain adapted to online businesses and retail trends *Cost vs value, cost benefit, true costs, financing system *Marketing integrated through supply chain *Innovation, new products, new processes and new business models

*What are your five-fold measures to resolve these issues?

We need to get good human resources for Bangladesh to overcome these issues. Most workers get on-the-job training in Bangladesh. There is no institutional training before they join this sector. Many institutes have started this now, so that we can get technically sound workers. Secondly, we need government help for power supply. Thirdly, the government and industry need to work together to ensure that there is no worker or political unrest. Fourth - which is the crucial one - foreign currency sources like banking systems, ports, Customs and commercial side should be more flexible. Finally, we need the help of overseas buyers. The industry also needs to support by giving a better price, sharing knowledge and technology for development which will be a win-win situation for both buyers and manufacturers.

*Which are your biggest markets?

Japan, South Africa and European Union are our biggest markets.

Which are the three main policies followed at your units?

On-time delivery, acceptable quality level and minimum price are the three main policies followed at our units. We also take care of the welfare of workers, keeping minimum profit.

As a private enterprise, what kind of government help will advance growth in your field?

Government help is the key factor for advanced growth. In Bangladesh, the government needs to ensure that there is no political problem or worker unrest (the main problem now) which creates problems for buyers and manufacturers. Banking, commercial and finance systems should be much more flexible. Government needs to ensure uninterrupted gas and electricity supply.

What is your market value? Please give details of your last two fiscals and your expectations for the coming two fiscals.

Our last turnover is:- For 2013-2014 - US$ 2.8 million Our expected turnovers are as below: For 2015-2016 - US$ 4.2 million For 2016-2017 - US$ 6.0 million For 2017-2018 - US$ 8.0 million

What are the latest trends and innovations dominating your industry?

Trends move fast in the apparel industry. They change from season to season. So it is difficult to mention the exact latest trends. Also, trends vary from country to country.

What budget have you allocated towards R&D?

Yearly budget for R&D is US$ 10,000 to US$ 15,000.
Published on: 23/12/2015

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