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Interview with Mr Baqar Iftikhar Naqvi

Mr Baqar Iftikhar Naqvi
Mr Baqar Iftikhar Naqvi
Cotton County Retail Ltd (NIEL Group)
Cotton County Retail Ltd (NIEL Group)

the gap between the likes and dislikes of Tier 1, 2 and other smaller cities is more perceived than actual.
Cotton County Retail Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nahar Industrial Enterprises that was set up in 1949 and is an integrated textile player engaged in manufacturing right from yarn to griege fabric, to processed fabric, to readymade garments in the domestic market. Cotton County Retail Ltd was set up for Nahar Group's foray into retailing. The Brands Cotton County, Femme, Tazo etc. are retailed through Executive Brand Outlets under the name and style of Cotton County through over 600 outlets, located across India in 425 cities and 21 states & 1 Union Territory. The retail network is largely operated through franchisees. Gaining a brand recognition in Tier II and Tier III cities in a short span of its foray, Cotton County today bags pride of selling a lot more than many popular brands and is become a truly Mass Volume Brand. Mr Baqar Iftikhar Naqvi is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Cotton County Retail and manages a network of 600 plus franchisees across the country. Before joining Cotton County, Mr Naqvi was an Associate Vice President with the Retail & Consumer Products practice of Technopak Advisors. He has led many retail startups across categories and formats, and has advised large Indian as well as International clients on retail strategy. Appearing on Face2Face, in a discourse with Sr Editor & Correspondent – Ms Madhu Soni, Mr Naqvi addresses topics like driving factors for current upbeat in Indian retail and key characteristics of consumers in India.

Mr Naqvi, your parent group forms around over 3000 crores group. What contribution Cotton County makes to Nahar’s corporate identity?

Small as of now, but growing rapidly.


What ethos make base for ‘Branding’ at Cotton County?

Cotton County wants to be known as a brand selling quality apparel at affordable prices. Cotton County is a brand that celebrates the natural appeal of COTTON. Its USP lies in the use of the breathe-easy cotton fabric that is functional, comfortable, natural, organic and therefore environment friendly.

Our brands are also in sync with the latest trends and fashion.

There is an upbeat in Indian Retail environment these days. What say? What factors drive this upbeat?

Post the brief slowdown period, the market has rebound again and the feeling of gloom is over. Companies results are positive, recruitments and increments are back again and there is again a feel good factor. All this has resulted in a heightened consumer confidence which is leading to increasing spend on categories, specially aspirational ones.

Everybody, across socio economic stratas, wants to look and feel good and thus the growth shown by all major brands in the market today.

In this span of Cotton County’s pan India existence, which all characteristics it has known about consumers in India? What India prefers to wear?

One thing that has become very clear to us through our experience with the brand is that the gap between the likes and dislikes of Tier 1, 2 and other smaller cities is more perceived than actual. Consumers today live and breathe in the same media space and have almost similar aspirations. Thus, products that do not sell in metros, in all probability will not be hot cakes for smaller markets too.

The second reality that has dawned on us through experience is that consumer’s buying power is not just limited to large cities. There are buyers for products at all prices in all markets. Brands and retailers just need to evaluate the threshold level beyond which the demand for their product is enough to justify their costs. Today we are in more than 425 cities and some of our small town stores are real star performers.

Finally, apparel is a feel good purchase. People in general buy apparel when they are feeling good and with the aim of feeling good when they wear the purchased apparel. Thus the entire retail ambience and the product packaging has to be in sync with and supporting the customers “feel good” factor before the customer picks up even a single product.

The euphoria about expanding quickly – both the store size and the presence across India – is gradually dying down. How will you take this finding?

During the peak times in the stock markets, brands and retail companies were made for the market and not for the consumers. The focus was on valuations derived and not value offered. Thus a lot of senseless expansion happened, which also coaxed the relatively saner and established brands and retailers to expand at a pace much more than they ever had. The focus shifted from business fundamental to the growth stories these brands were able to tell and based on the same pick money from public through IPOS or from various funds, who were betting big on the Indian consumption growth.

However, once the stock markets tanked, and business fundamentals again became critical to market valuations, the euphoria about increasing footprint died. The fact is that until the growth is profitable, it will not be sustainable. Presence and penetration is good as scale is essential in the retail business, but it has to be viable and manageable.

Of all the retail segments, the Apparels and Fashion Accessories category is expected to account for the highest share of retail space- says experts’ study. What train of thoughts this tenet sets in motion in your business mind?

This is largely so because apparel and fashion retail has been organized (in some form or the other) since the longest time. Most other forms of organized retail are relatively new to the Indian market.


Published on: 28/02/2011

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.