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Interview with Wen Liu

Wen Liu
Wen Liu
GBOS Laser Inc
GBOS Laser Inc

We plan to expand our manufacturing facilities in India and Europe
GBOS Laser Inc has been devoted to the research and development, innovation, production and sales of medium- and high-end laser systems. Wen Liu, CEO, GBOS Laser Inc, shares details about the company’s future investment and expansion plans.

What is the size of the market globally for laser machines? At what rate is it growing?

The size of the market for laser equipment globally is approximately US$ 10 billion, and it is growing by 10 per cent every year.

What percentage of laser machines at GBOS Laser Inc is used in the textile, footwear, and leather industries?

In Asia, GBOS Laser Inc owns 10 per cent market share in the textile, footwear and leather industries.

Within the textile sector, what percentage of laser cutting and washing is used in label, apparel and denim washing?

In this sector, GBOS Laser Inc has occupied 50 per cent in the label field and 10 per cent in apparel and denim washing.

Which are your biggest markets?

Currently, shoes and garment industries are our biggest markets.

What markets do you plan to penetrate in the near-future? What is fuelling demand in these regions?

In near future, we will penetrate the market for automatic and customised denim washing. Environmental concerns and Industry 4.0 are the main reason for us to enter these regions.

What are the latest trends and innovations dominating your industry?

Personalisation and customisation will lead to new product innovations.

Which trade shows will GBOS Laser Inc participate in, this year? What innovations will be on display?

We will attend ITMA in Shanghai where we will display denim laser washing system, V series smart cutting system and XXP 3D dynamic laser marking system.

What are your expectations from China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative?

Following our country's policy, we hope to enlarge the layout of overseas market.

Where do you plan to expand your manufacturing facilities within and outside China?

We plan to expand our manufacturing facilities to India and Europe.

What budget have you allocated towards R&D?

Every year, we support the expense of about 3 million RMB in our R&D department for new products.
Published on: 20/09/2016

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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