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Interview with Ms La Rhea Pepper

Ms La Rhea Pepper
Ms La Rhea Pepper
Senior Director
Organic Exchange
Organic Exchange

The early collaboration of key innovators from around the world led to the formation of Organic Exchange, incorporated as a charitable organization in 2002. The current board of directors consists of 19 members from 11 countries representing all aspects of the organic cotton value chain. Organic Exchange is a US based, 501(c)(3) organization committed to expanding organic fiber agriculture, with a specific focus on cotton. The seed for the development of a network designed to create and catalyze change in conventional agricultural began in the early 1990’s with conversations between several companies and individuals who were working with organic cotton. It facilitate the creation of solutions that improve environmental quality, enhance the livelihoods of farmers, increase profitability for innovative brands and their business partners, and expand consumer choice. Ms La Rhea Pepper is the Senior Director at Organic Exchange. She has an extensive background in the organic cotton agricultural sector as well as management and marketing. She is a 5th generation cotton farmer in Texas and her farm has been certified organic since 1991. Ms Pepper has extensive business experience having co-founded Texas Organic Cotton Marketing Cooperative and served as President/CEO of Cotton Plus and Organic Essentials. Her educational background is in education – she completed her BS in Education at Abilene Christian University in 1979. As a 5th generation farmer, she has a long history of leadership within the sustainable and organic agricultural movement. In 1995, she served on the Administrative Council for Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education and two years later began working with the Organic Fiber Council. She joined the Organic Trade Association’s board in 1998 to work on organic fiber standards for the industry and in 2002 became a member of the Advisory Council of Organic Exchange. Ms Pepper is an authority on organic farming having provided testimony to the Federal Trade Commission, and is a frequent guest speaker. Ms Pepper was one of the co-founders of Organic Exchange and served as Chair of the Board until 2005 at which time she became the Executive Director, serving in that capacity until December of 2008. In a talk with Face2Face team, Ms La Rhea Pepper brings out more about world wide organic cotton market, and her association’s role in it.

Kicking off the conversation, shall we request you a brief on responsibilities entrusted to your association in development of organic cotton sector?

Our Association is entrusted with major responsibility to catalyze global market forces to expand organic fiber agriculture.

Focused on this aim, Organic Exchange is serving as a catalyst that allows many of the social, economic, and environmental issues associated with conventional cotton production to be addressed – environmental issues, climate change, bio-diversity, water quality and utilization, food security, human rights and social issues, as well as poverty in agricultural communities. By facilitating the expansion of organic fiber agriculture, we, in association with our members and stakeholders, can continue to have a positive, significant, visible, and measurable impact on the world.

To support these efforts, we bring together brands and retailers with their business partners, farmers, and key stakeholders to learn about the social and environmental benefits of organic agriculture, and to develop new business models and tools that support greater use of organic inputs. In addition, we raise consumer awareness about the value of organic farming and the availability of products containing organic cotton.



-Grow the organic cotton retail market to mirror growth in fiber production

-Build a solid framework to support industry and market integrity

-Be a partner and resource to industry on sustainability issues relevant to organic fibers.


-Support the growth of fair and sustainable organic cotton


So what is general view of worldwide cotton industry, today?

The overall (conventional) cotton industry continues to face a variety of challenges. While improvements have been made over the past 5 years in the reduction of pesticides, cotton remains one of the largest users of petroleum based fertilizers as well as pesticide utilization. In addition, the current pricing structure does not address the real costs of the production of cotton creating, in many instances poverty in many of the rural communities which grow cotton. Other problems involving child labor and other social issues are still present as well. Genetically Modified Cotton has been widely adopted in many cotton production areas, and is thought by some to be the answer to increased environmental benefits (reduction of pesticides) has yet to deliver long term, sustainable benefits. Recent studies and information now available are indicating that both weeds and pests are becoming resistant to the technology.

Organic production systems provide a holistic approach to the conservation and preservation of resources while protecting bio-diversity, increasing soil health, offering greater food security in regions. Organic cotton production offers the benefits in production but also access to a market where fair and sustainable prices are encouraged and promoted with brands and consumers.

What market share goes to Organic cotton segment in this cotton world?

Organic Cotton is still a small, but growing percentage – a little less than 1%.

What movements do you see in Organic cotton market say in terms of level of education, level of awareness or preferences amongst manufacturers?

Over the past 5 years, we have seen brands and retailers in key markets commit to organic cotton programs as a part of the sustainability initiatives. We work with not only these leading brands and retailers, but also their supply chains to support strategic planning, creating stronger commitments and clear market signals and communication in the supply chain – in order to create “value chains”.

Can you please share your reading regarding countries- manufacturers of which bear good level of awareness and are particular on using Organic cotton in their production?

There are now over 22 countries growing organic cotton, and a number of countries that are also working to leverage that production and create strong lines of organic cotton products – there are several countries in Africa – South Africa; Uganda; Turkey; India, China, the US and several countries in Latin America – Peru, Paraguay and Brazil are growing organic cotton and are able to produce products. In addition other countries are purchasing cotton from these growing regions and creating high quality products as well – mills in Korea, Thailand and in Europe.

Similarly, which countries have good potential of becoming competent growers of organic cotton?

At the present time, organic cotton is being grown in 22 countries: Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Greece, India, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Mail, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Pakistan, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, USA and Zambia. Argentina has also begun a conversion project to organic. All of these regions are growing organic cotton “competently”; however, one consistent challenge in every production region is the commitment of long term markets that are willing to pay a fair and sustainable price to the farmer. In addition, there are always challenges in every production area, that, in many instances vary from year to year with weather conditions, which impact both yield and quality of fiber. Organic production is a production system by design and not by default, so certainly where there have been additional investments in training and development for farmers in areas of soil fertility and pest management and ways to harvest that protect the quality of the fiber, we are seeing programs and projects that are growing in a stable and consistent manner.

So, what will the future bring?

The world of organic cotton is full of bright, hard working and long established pioneers and idealists, those who shaped the initial vision of organic cotton as a solution to the severe problems of conventional cotton, who helped set organic cotton on its journey from niche to the mainstream. The organic cotton industry is at a point where it has to choose how to re-commit to the values that drove it in the first place, and to making a strong place for itself in a dynamic and challenging market. Crises lead to reconstruction and innovation, and the difficult year we have just faced is leading our industry to do just this. Whilst challenges are there, the future remains bright.

Published on: 15/03/2010

DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions expressed in this column are solely of the interviewee, and they do not reflect in any way the opinion of Fibre2Fashion.com.

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