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RMG Times and SNV join hands to promote Bangladesh RMG sector
Feb '18

Washim Mia, Staff Correspondent (RMG Times) RMG Times, one of the leading online news source of the country focusing on RMG sector, joins hands with SNV, a Netherlands based international Development Organization, to promote responsible business practices in the ready-made garments sector of Bangladesh. As a symbol of this joint commitment these two parities signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today, 19th February 2018 in the conference room of SNV Bangladesh office at Gulshan, Dhaka.

RMG Times will publish in its news feed covering those events of Working with Women Project 2. It will act as media partner for the events organized under this project of SNV in the context of national and international level.

Mr. Jason Mitchell Belanger, Country Director of SNV Bangladesh and Mr. Abdul Alim, Editor & Publisher of RMG Times signed the MoU on behalf of the respective parties. 

Mr. Jason stated, “We are very pleased to get country’s leading online news portal, RMG Times with our journey. I hope this relationship will last for a long period of time. I welcome the entire RMG Times team in this regard”.

Mr. Abdul Alim said, “This is a great opportunity for RMG Times to work with SNV as a media partner. We have been covering their activities from the recent past but today our relationship has got an official recognition. We want to establish a strong impact focusing on the garments sector which has placed us as the second largest RMG exporting country in the world. I specially want to thank SNV for their initiatives to boost the women empowerment of the RMG sector”.

At the end of the MoU signing ceremony, the representatives from the both parties joined in an open discussion on the current state of the RMG sector and how to take it a way forward.   

(This story has not been edited by Fibre2Fashion staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

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