The True/False Test of Recruiting

There are many misnomers and falsehoods about the business of recruiting. This quiz is to test your knowledge of the industry and its day to day operations. Watch out! There may be something here you did not know.

1) A good recruiter treats a retained and contingency search the same?

On a retained search, a recruiter will find the best 3 candidates for their client and hold those candidates specifically for that search. The recruiter will also dedicate project coordinators to the effort, getting the best possible person for the position. On a contingency basis, a recruiter is and should be free to send the candidates to any position open that the candidate is a fit for and is interested in. If a company is truly dedicated to finding the best candidate for a position, a retained search guarantees the most attention in the least amount of time.

2) A candidate who withholds information (such as compensation) from the recruiter is not likely to have their resume submitted to the client for consideration?

When a recruiter submits a resume to their client, it is a recommendation from the recruiter. If a candidate will not be upfront and honest with a recruiter at the initial point of contact, a recruiter has no guarantee that the same will not happen when the client has questions about background, previous employment, etc.

3) Recruiters do not care about "confidentiality" when it pertains to a client, candidate or a search?

A good recruiter wants to build a relationship and rapport with their client and candidate. This ensures a positive working relationship during the search and will also benefit both client and recruiter when the needs of the company change and more positions need to be filled. It is much easier to maintain a business relationship than it is to build a new one. It is also easier to maintain good relationships with candidates by respecting their wishes, such as not calling at work or at certain specified times.

4) It is a good idea to build an ongoing relationship with a recruiter, even if you are not searching for a job?

Having a working relationship with a recruiter is like having a good mechanic. In the event the unexpected happens, you know exactly who to call in that time of crisis. You may also know of someone who has career challenges of their own and can help them out of a tough situation by making that connection.

5) A good recruiter, like a baseball team, should know their stats?

A recruiter's job is to source, screen, and submit candidates for consideration. Tracking statistics, such as resumes to a hire, ensures the firm has its own set of checks and balances in place. Other ratios like job orders to a placement and calls to a job order provide the client with necessary information about the firm and what it can expect while doing business with the firm.

As many companies have found, using the right search firm is crucial in keeping up with today's fast-paced, high-demand business world that we live in. Companies, who are willing to invest in a recruiter, are ultimately making a deposit into the savings account of their own future.

About Author:

Artie has worked for the past nine years in the automotive industry with American Honda most recently with BMW North America. Prior, Artie was with Delta Air Lines in DFW and ATL. Finding the talent you are looking for is Artie's drive to excellence. Artie's areas of industry experience include: Automotive, Customer service, Airline, Aviation, Logistics and Sales. Artie thrives on the gratification of helping individuals develop their careers. Artie can be reached at 770-517-2660 x 19 or email him at

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