Dressing up for Office The accepted code

Dressing up every day for office might seem quite a feat early in the morning. On top of it if one has to take care of what is suitable and what is not, then it seems even more humongous. Universally women are more likely to spend more time deciding what to wear and what not to wear to office everyday. Reason being women have more choices when it come to dressing up. Another reason could be fact that women have a general tendency to dress to kill.

They sometimes forget the fine line between dressing feminine and dressing seductive while choosing office attire. Formal is the commonly accepted dress code in offices across the world. Many offices these days have relaxed their dress code to allow informal and semiformal dresses on Fridays and Saturdays. Yet, it is always advisable to play safe in office. Always wear decent outfits to your workplace. This will not just help you look dignified, but also discourage unwanted advances and comments from certain impudent coworkers.

What to wear and what not to wear to office

•A few tips for women:
•Be well groomed at all times. You can’t risk looking shabby at office because your personality determines your impression.
•Always opt for smart formal/ semiformal outfits. Go in for Pants with Shirts, Pant Suits, formal Skirts with Shirts, Cotton Sarees, smart Salwar Suits or contemporary Churidaar Suits.
•Avoid garish colours.
•Style your hair in smart yet simple hairdos. If you have plain long hair, opt for an elegant bun or simply hold them with a rubber band.
•Avoid min skirts, tight tops, flashy outfits.
•Tone down the use of makeup, hair spray, perfume.
•Wear sleek and trendy jewelry. But keep it minimal. You could wear midsized danglers in silver or faux metals. Alternately go for no-fuss ear studs. A chain or a stylish pendant should be all for the neck.
•Don’t wear too many bangles or jewelry like anklets etc.
•Choose between closed-toe shoes, pumps and mid heel sandals. Avoid strappy shoes. If you are wearing a skirt, nylons are a must.
•You could wear a silk scarf if it gels with your dress
•Carry a nice briefcase or a portfolio. Avoid huge handbags.
•You could loosen up a little on Fridays & Saturdays if your office rules permit. Go in for jeans & top with trendy jewelry on these days.
•Good appearance is a part of building a good impression. Your clothes form an integral part of your personality. Choose your office attire with care and your colleagues will not only take you seriously but also appreciate your dress sense.

About the author:

Shveta Singh is associated with CarmaWorld.com, an exclusive online shopping site for Indian home and lifestyle products such as jewelry, sarees, stoles, scarves, handicrafts, gifts, handbags and home furnishings. Do visit http://www.CarmaWorld.com for a contemporary collection of real and faux jewelry, sarees, scarves, handbags and other accessories.

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