For the uninitiated buying a teen-agers first bra can be something akin to a lingerie shop nightmare. Set the scene if you will. She want's designer label one size fits all stick insects type stuff but you know that she needs proper support and something altogether more practical. Bet you can feel a teenage tantrum on the horizon some time real soon or adolescent hormones must have taken a quick vacation. So what do you do? You have a couple of options and the first (and easiest) is to give in to her every whim from now on which will set a precedent for the future whilst making a veritable rod for your own back. The other option would be to take her outside for a swift slap on the back of the legs but she's a bit too old for all that now. Then again it would score you some superb embarrassment points anyway. No. The only sensible option is to assert your authority over your offspring.

You could point out the sense in the practical bra verses the poor fit of the designer stick insect version but I don't see too much mileage in that approach either. Anyway by this time she will be pointing out how her best friend Betty Who ever she is was allowed to have the pretty designer bra and it fits her just fine. Then again your little darling has been telling you for ages that these friends parents are far more understanding than you and how she wishes you could be like them too. What you have now is deadlock. The pompous shop assistant is breathing down your neck and you are under extreme pressure to cave in to your daughter's demands. Then the solution hits you like a bolt of lightning right between the eyes. Bribery!

Here's the deal she wears the ex military style support I wouldn't be seen dead in it bra for school and if she plays along and behaves like a model daughter you will bring her back for the designer poor fit stick insect version later. You never know there's always a slim chance that before then the lingerie store could burn to the ground or the second coming may have taken place. Fat chance but stranger things have happened in the life of the average teenager. O.K. you have struck a deal and now you can all get on with the rest of your lives. You back to doing what parents do best, preventing teenagers from enjoying themselves under the guise of parental concern for their safety whilst your darling daughter works out even more cunning ways to get her own way with you.

If you think all of that sounds like a major event spare a thought for all those single dads out there who have to go through the teen bra buying trauma without any backup at all. It's going to be a case of sweaty palms at dawn and a quick foray into the local lingerie store. I reckon we all know who the winner will be in that scenario and they aren't any older than fourteen years old either. Guys, my best advice to you is do your teen bra shopping online. Its safe, secure and more importantly totally discreet so you can shop for all that confusing lingerie stuff without the snotty shop assistant hovering around. If you get it wrong don't worry because the great thing about the online lingerie stores is that most of them offer an excellent returns service too.

About the Author:

Kevin Moore owns and runs several lingerie web sites as well as writing regular articles about all types of lingerie. For info about the pleasures of wearing silk and satin visit here Teen Bra

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