Do you have an ever growing pile of laundry? Do your dirtyclothes multiply over night? Do you feel like you are chained to the washingmachine?

For most families and in particular, large families clothingcan be a real problem, cost, washing and storage wise. But there are a fewthings you can do to help minimise or eliminate these problems.

The high cost of clothing

To help with the cost of clothing, buy good quality clothingwhen they are on sale. Most of us know what stores and what brands have the bestquality clothing, so watch out for end of season sales and buy a size biggerfor your children ready for the following year. Good quality clothes will lastlonger and youll be able to hand them down to your younger children.

Before going to a clothing sale write a list of whatclothing your children need, this will help to stop any impulse or unnecessarybuying. Make sure you take a pen and mark off what you have already brought oryou may find yourself doubling up on some items.

Remember dont just buy something because its a bargain,only buy it if it is on your list and your children really need it.

Dont be ashamed to accept hand me downs from friends andneighbors but dont feel like you have to keep all of it, keep what you willuse and pass the rest on to some one else or give them to a charity.

Where to Storage Them?

The best idea is to get rid of any unnecessary clothing.Childrens wardrobes are usually jam-packed with unused, unnecessary clothing.How many times have you walked into your child's room and found a pile ofclothes that your child has pulled out of their wardrobe or drawers? Itshappened to me many times. Usually my kids are hunting through the masses ofclothing looking for something that they actually want to wear. Getting rid ofsome of the clothing will help your child find what they are looking forwithout having to pull out everything else.

No doubt you will be doing your laundry at least once aweek, so only have 7 days worth of outfits plus one or two outfits for specialoccasions in your childrens wardrobes and drawers. Get your children to helpcull their clothing, after all they know what they like and what they dontlike and what they will and will not wear.

You can store all the extra clothing in another part of thehouse, sell it at a garage sale, on eBay or give it to charity.

Store all out of season clothing in another part of thehouse. In the garage or a shed is ideal. We store all our out of seasonclothing in big plastic boxes in our garage. They stay dry and clean and areeasy to find when we need them.

By doing these few things you can help to minimise oreliminate the cost, laundry, mess and storage of your families clothing.

Aboutthe Author:

Rachel Suesskow is an Australianmother of 5 children ranging in age from a newborn to a 9 year old. She is theauthor of A Juggling Mum Blog,,where she posts about life as a Juggling Mum, gives hints and tips that help tokeep her home running smoothly as well as the recipes and meal plans she usesto keep her family well fed.


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