The right costume jewelry can accent the important areas ofthe body. Any area can become an important area for fashion and its relatedareas like jewelry, accessories. The abdomen can become an area that can beemphasized through color or jewelry. Cummerbunds are obvious but cummerbundscan be enhanced with jewelry and in this way the abdomen area can be styledthrough jewelry. Stylized chokers are also an important jewelry item for thethroat instead of collars for example.

The chest area, neck area, arms and wrists can be accentedby jewelry and sometimes arms and necks can be fully clothed in jewelry. Thinkof the chokers for the neck as well as layered bracelets and necklaces.Layering is important in jewelry and the right jewelry can complement the clothing.If you have a short-sleeved t-shirt, you can complement the shortness of thesleeves with layered jewelry which reach to the elbow. Or maybe you can simplyhave the wrist area emphasized by a Stylized bracelets.

Cuff jewelry is also important. You can have high strapwatches or simply high strap 'cuffs'. Costume jewelry like chokers and neckbracelets can highlight the neck area. Jewelry which drapes around the neck anddown to the chest area can highlight the chest area. 'Highlight' may be the wrongword. 'Cover' may be the wrong word too. Styling is not always abouthighlighting and covering. Styling is as the term says styling.

Look at the palettes for 2007 by Pantone. (You can visit theCreativepro or Pantone websites to see the palettes). If you are wearing acorset or a simple bodice of silver or silver- blue color, you can choose acomplementary silver tone bracelet for the neck. Using the Pantone classic chicpalette as the guide here for example. Look at the classic chic palette! -A silvertone bracelet around the neck can complement silver or silver blue bodices orshirts. There are various blends of grey and silver in the Pantone palettes. Alight blue neck bracelet can complement silver blouses. Use costume jewelry tocomplement the figure!

Use the right tones for 2007 and use jewelry to get theright stylistic effects!. There are other more colorful palettes from Pantonelike Melange with its fruit colors and the Lumens palette too with itsselection of blues. You can use bracelets of dazzling sunny colors also. Coloris important and the colors in costume jewelry are important for the overalleffect. Color is at the center of fashion and color is at the heart of costumejewelry too. With the right setting, the model can show off her neck andarms/wrists with appropriate jewelry. Fashion is about color richness and tomatch clothes or to complement the colors in clothing, there is jewelry.

You can use rich dazzling neck bracelets instead of the highshirt collars. Burgundy-black neck bracelets can complement a simple shirt forexample. There are also multi-stranded bracelets for the neck. They cling tothe neck in a way that is difficult for collars and the figure hugging natureof some neck bracelets as well as wrist bracelets is a real effect!

Sometimes jewelry should cling and emphasize. They can belike clothes. They add to clothes and they can contrast with them also. Pantonepalettes offer some dazzling colors blends and contrasts. When styling, don'tforget jewelry.

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You can visit the Creativepro or Pantone websites to see thepalettes:

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