Value is hot! Most of us will look for deals like shoppingat J.C. Penny, Kohl's and department stores that have value And name brands. Weall "grow up" during high school (well most of us). High schoolfashions today declare who we are while we are. We are honing our socializationskills and finding what fashions reflect who we are. This is why there arevarious looks that high school students have. We've included just a few:

Most of us think by merely donning the varsity team jacket will somehow transformour look into "jock mode". However this does not hide our poorfashion sense or lack there of and neither do large letters and colors of thehigh school. The ultimate way to key into the Jock Look is by going out for aschool sport and making the team and earning the right to wear that jacket. Andby sport and team I am not referring to the varsity chess team.

We all remember the geeks and nerds don't we, and some of them were actuallyus. Usually none by their "un-cool" clothing these prodigies are usually so engulfed with numerous projects that they could care less about whatthey wear. As with all changes in fashion trends, actually having geekyclothing isn't necessarily a bad thing. Let's face it, geeks and nerds arethriving because of the fact that everyone has a computer. Do you recall whenrole playing gamers were known to be Satan worshippers? Well today some of themare none as world class cyber athletes. This high school fashion can be scoredby being preoccupied with solving the problems of the universe and by wearing ashirt with a witty saying or technological jargon a face it.

While this high school fashion is popular among fans of rock bands making astatement is a definite plus with those we call, "rockers". These areusually shirts that make statements or shirts featuring their favorite band.This fashion usually includes a ton of trinkets and studded bracelets or atribal necklace. With this high school fashion you need to take on theappropriate attitude to go with it. Being passionate about music is of courseessential and having an IPOD or headphones will cinch the look. For theguarantee of turning girls heads a pair of drumsticks or a guitar case will dothe trick as well.

Most of us think of BLACK when referring to the Goth fashion of high schoolclothing. Whether fortunately or not this is not just a high school fashion itis used by numerous people who wish to make statements of sorrow. Theaccessories are the key really; such as, black eyeliner and lipstick. Don't beswain by thinking these Goths are dressing as such to show their individuality;more or less this form of dress is more commonly done to be included in a groupand sort of blend in with people who want to show that they belong.

The toughest fashion look to maintain as you must always stay atop the latesthigh fashions racing from store to store to obtain the first best outfit ever.Well you also have to know what is "cool" and what is definitely"not cool". And as a true fashionista, you must launch the higheststandard of high school fashion.

This is just a few of the high school fashions a foot at your local high schoolso get out there and look around your local high school and catch one today orcreate a new one.

About the author:

Gregg Hall is an author living withhis beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about styleas well as high schoolfashion at

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