There are some things which you need to know about thefabrics and finishes, as they can be useful for your before you wash or cleanthem, as different fabric they have different treatment.

Special finishes clothes sometimes needs special treatmentwhen you wash or clean them, as it can remove the vanish for mishandling. Hereare some guides on handling special finishes fabrics.

THE BEWILDERING ARRAY of new textile fibers and blends, withtheir variety of special finishes, has caused a wail to go up from the womenwho use them, the manufacturers who spin the synthetic fibers, and the textileexperts in the government who are called upon to answer questions about them.

THE SPECIAL FINISHES and no-ironing materials are intendedto ease the laundry burden of today's busy women and to give them pleasurethrough beauty of texture, feel, and drape. This they certainly do. But eachnew material, finish, or blend, must be understood and treated properly in the laundry if it is to give its best service. Gone are the days when just plaincotton held sway in the clothing field with the other natural fibers,linen,wool, and silk. Today we have these and synthetics too in uncounted blends.

LABELING. While some yard goods and clothing are labeledcarefully to tell just what they are, much is not, or the information given isincomplete. Women need to know exactly what the material is and, if it is ablend, just what fibers have been used and in what proportion. They need toknow what finish, if any, has been applied and whether it requires any specialattention. If the material is colorfast, they should know what it is fast to:dry cleaning? washing? light? perspiration? crocking? (loss of color throughrubbing when the material is dry)? They have to know whether a garment must bedry cleaned and, if it can be washed, exactly how to do it. Women queried bythe government said they wanted this information on garment labels because theyhave learned that saleswomen often have not been briefed adequately on thenewer materials.

A BOX FOR LABELS, whether they are detailed or not, witheach one marked clearly to indicate the garment it belongs to, is a must fortoday's home, regardless of whether clothing is to be washed or dry cleaned.Things have been happening even to wools and cottons, and information is neededabout them as well as about the synthetics. The information that follows isintended to help when labels are lacking, give vague instructions, or have beenlost. It has been obtained from the manufacturers of synthetic fibers, notablythe Du Pont Company, and from leaflets and bulletins prepared by textileexperts of the United States Department of Agriculture.

THE MANY SPECIAL FINISHES on fabrics today are intended togive fibers desirable properties which they lack and to increase the wearability of various materials. They can be applied to all fabrics. Some specialfinishes are permanent, some vanish with the first dry cleaning, and others arelost gradually with repeated launderings or cleanings. It is important to knowwhat finish, if any, has been applied to the cloth you use and how long thefinish can be expected to last; also whether it can be restored by a drycleaner.

The special finishes or non-ironing materials are easy to betreated. See the label of each cloth carefully which can be useful when youclean them.

About the Author:

MitchJohnson is a regular writer for , ,

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