Consider the fashion industry, a creativeindustry larger by far than the film, recorded music and book publishingindustries. The fashion industry profits by setting trends in clothing, andthen inducing consumers to follow those trends. Trend-driven consumption isgood for the fashion industry, because it sells more clothing. In any event,the fashion industrys ability to create trends is based on designers relativefreedom to copy. Well, if the law prohibited fashion design copying, then thefashion industry would have a much harder time creating and responding totrends.


Fashion changes daily, so keep your finger onthe pulse. Fashion industry clientele include both public and privately-held domestic and foreign apparel manufacturers, designers and retailers. The fashionindustry profits by setting trends in clothing, and then inducing consumers tofollow those trends. This process leads us to treat clothing as astatus-conferring good to be replaced once the fashion changes, rather than asa durable good to be replaced only when all the buttons fall off. So ifcopyright law were extended to fashion designs, the unique innovation cultureof the fashion world might come under intense legal scrutiny. 5055, a billcurrently pending before the House which would extend copyright protection to fashion design.

The network allows individuals the opportunityto develop personal profiles to highlight their professional experience in thefashion industry. Certainly, the fashion industry would not function with outwarehousing and distribution. Essentially, any business function that isdirectly relevant to the fashion industry or textile industry is welcome at theFashion Industry Network. The primary goal of the network is to bring togethermembers of the fashion industry in a friendly setting so that they that theycan have open dialog regarding business matters.


Runway models, magazines and red carpets areoften the images that spring to mind when someone mentions fashion; but whatabout all the people working behind the scenes who are bringing ideas to life.Whether you are interested in the creative, technical, or business side offashion, there is virtually no end to the exciting career paths that you canfollow in the fashion industry.

The creative side of the fashion industryoffers careers as illustrators, textile designers, costume designers, stylists,and other apparel design positions. In addition, the business side of fashioncould serve up a future as a fashion merchandiser, marketing executive, buyer,or trend forecaster. Coming up with new and exciting ways to design a garmentis the most important task that a fashion designer or design team must contendwith. This is where a fashion design education comes into play.

Fashionising is made up of the fashion lovers,socialites, men-about-town, models, designers, photographers, bloggers, andstylists who make the fashion world what it is. Fashion industry employers arelocated just about everywhere but most are concentrated in New York City (withover 5,000 showrooms), California (Los Angeles and San Francisco), Miami, London, Paris, and Italy.

About the Author:

Trishia Lopez is a successful Webmaster andpublisher of provides more information about Fashion and fashion issues that you can research in yourpajamas on her website.

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