Your sales staff is the lifebloodof your business. They can, in fact, make or break a sale. The good news isthat you can utilize your POSsoftware to motivate your staff to sell more and perform better.

1. Make sure that you are able to track sales by employee.


Sales reports can offer thefollowing information.


 Sales totals for each rep or cashier

 Sales totals for each register

 Sales rep commission totals

 Forecasted sales based on salesperson or territory

 Daily sales transaction details by casher ordepartment

 Top sales reps or cashiers

 Top customers

 Lost sales report

 List open quotes specified time of day, week, monthor year

 Open quotes sales totalsspecified time of day, week, month or year

When you're able to track sales by customer and by sales person then you canimplement methods to motivate employees that are behind in sales and rewardsales people that are consistently attaining top sales numbers. Competition ishealthy and a good in store contest is a great way to motivate associates,however you have to have accurate numbers and information.


2. Give your employees the ability to up sell by having customer informationavailable via your POS.

POS systems enable sales associates to access information about customer'sprevious purchases so that they may assist them better or provide them withinformation for up selling opportunities at the point of sale.

Even at the point of sale, a sales associate can quickly identify a customer'spurchasing habits and make suggestions based on their past purchases. "Wehave a table that compliments that sofa you bought last month or we have a fewsweaters on sale by your favorite designer did you see those?" can quicklyadd sales to your day.

This excellent customer service means that you'll increase your sales.

If for example a customer enters the store looking for an item that is out ofstock, a quick check of your inventory on your POS system will show you whatcomplimentary products are available.

3. Make it easy for sales people to please your customer.

Many POS software products offer real time tracking. This means that giftcards, returns and exchanges can all be handled at any store location ratherthan just the store it was purchased at and they can do it 2 minutes, 2 days,or 2 months later. The system already has their information available at allstores so there aren't any verification issues.

Web-based software gives sales associates immediate access to customerinformation at other stores. This information can give valuable insight anddata regarding a customer's preferences and purchase history. This knowledgeenables sales associates to provide excellent customer service and greatlyincreases cross-selling and up-selling opportunities.

Additionally, in a multi-store operation, if a customer is interested in anitem that is out of stock, sales associates can easily find the item at anotherstore location and have the item placed on hold or shipped immediately to thecustomer, all within minutes as the customer is standing right there.

About the Author:


JeffHaefner, is the author of The Point of Sale Software Buyers Guide and RetailTechnology Newsletter. He has been working with computers, retailers and POSsoftware since 1993 and he runs a retail technology consulting and softwareselection service. For free tools and information about POS software and retailtechnology, visit

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