For most of us winter usually means cold temperatures, belowzero wind chills, and gloomy skies. Unfortunately, winter also means bulky andunattractive clothing too! For most women winter marks the beginning of awardrobe filled with tops that are not form flattering and thick pants. Plussized women have it even worse than the average woman, because most of theirclothes are already more bulky and not form flattering. With a little planningand know-how you can look stylish and chick no matter what the temperature islike outside.

First, remember that layers are a great way to beat the coldwhether you are outside or in. Eschew thick sweaters and go for thin stretchylayers instead. You'll find that the closer the layers stay to your skin, thewarmer you'll feel. Look for some stretchy long sleeved tops and top it offwith a thin sweatshirt that you can unzip halfway when you're inside. This is awonderfully cute look that's perfect for inside the house and wandering aroundtown when you're doing your Christmas shopping.

One thing to do for a bit of style is to try a nice thickpair of opaque tights together with a skirt. Depending on the thickness of thetights and the severity of the weather outside, you may want to go with ashorter skirt with thicker tights. A great way to emphasize your curves andyour legs is a nice pair of black tights, couple those with a good pair ofweatherproof, sturdy leather boots, and you will bet to look great in anystorm. For more warmth you may even try wear some thick tights underneath yourtrousers. Also, if you have some thin slacks that you want to keep wearing,bring them together with some tights to winterize them.

Plus sized women might want to avoid coats that only comedown to the waist. For a wonderfully sophisticated fashion statement, thinkabout a thigh-length peacoat. This is a great style and quite warm; you can gowith a basic black wool, or try for something a little more extravagant.Remember to suit your own tastes; if you feel good in it, chances are, you lookgood as well! For a more sweeping style, think about getting a long wool coat,one that goes down to your ankles. Once again, check the cut. Is there a littlebit of flare at the bottom of the coat? Does it fit well without wrinkling?While it is very easy to get a coat that is a bit boxy in this regard, rememberto look for one that has a good drape on you; essentially find one that isn'tcut to look like a tube!

Worried about ice roads and snow ins? Winter is definitelynot the time. To be ready for winter months head, be smart and plan ahead.

About the Author:

Andrea writes about Plus Size Clothing.Visit us for plus size deals on Plus Size Lingerie at

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