Surgical greens have an intriguing history in our culture.Named after the color, surgical greens have been a part of surgical attiresince the 1970s. Why choose the color green? Well, interestingly, surgicalgreens can be of any shade of green, but offered a high contrast in an oftenwhite, sterile environment. Green scrubs simply reduced the amount of eyefatigue experienced by the surgical team.

However, in recent years more and more green scrubs havebeen seen out of the surgical environment. A nasty strain of Staphylococcusaureus happens to be methicillin-resistant, and the need for sterility isvitally important. This sterility is necessary not only in the surgicalenvironment but in the complete medical setting.

While white scrubs do have the additional benefit of givinga cleanliness factor, green scrubs do not show blood and other colors as pronounced. Let's face it; a doctor looks better in clean green scrubs than in white, stainedscrubs.

Green scrubs come in many shades of green, and have changedsince their inception in the 1970s. Some things have remained the same such asthe common v-neck and the drawstring pants.

Where does the name scrubs actually originate?

Once called "surgical greens", scrubs were given afriendlier, shorter name simply because it was easier on everyone involved. Thegreen scrubs are worn in a sterile, or scrubbed, workplace. The name scrubsseemed like a natural evolutionary step in medical apparel.

Green scrubs can be found almost anywhere but are prevalent in the hospital setting. Medical clinics have a less stringent policy concerningworkplace attire and favorite cartoon characters, logos, and preferred prints. Green scrubs do not just come in green anymore either. You can get scrubs in achoice of attractive, colorful, and professional colors.

Of course, scrubs have been a part of our medical industrybecause they are clean, neat, and sterile - just like the medical facility. Thescrubs are a direct representation of that particular medical facility.

Since the late 1910s, medical attire has been found to beuseful in and out of surgery. Once upon a time surgical scrubs were only usedduring surgery in the extremely sanitized and scrubbed environment. However,history has shown that the surgical area is not the only place where sterilityis necessary.

Illnesses and bacterium are spread easily in a medicalsetting. The sterile environment assists in stopping the spread of nasty contagions reducing the expectancy of everything from the flu to staphinfections. Green scrubs act as a barrier between those contagions and themedical staff.

Choosing green scrubs is a simple way to protect you, your co-workers or staff, the patient, and visitors.

No matter whether you are a doctor, nurse, or part of theclerical staff, the benefits of scrubs is undeniable. Green scrubs have aninteresting history that is ever-evolving. Today, more and more medical professionals are choosing the unique look of fashion scrubs or designer scrubs. Yes, you canhave a sterile ensemble while retaining your own personality.

About the author:

Max Johnson is associated webmaster of

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