This study analyzes the criticality of design factors thatcontribute to discernable differential in the experiences of goal-focusedshoppers on dress model Web sites. Focused on the apparel industry, the studyexamines factors of accessibility and convenience, availability of information,lack of sociality, media richness, and product selection. The results of thestudy impute that basic functionality, except for lack of sociality, is ingeneral more important than advanced richness of technology for goal-focusedshoppers. Intention to buy is indicated in the study to be less impacted by thesophistication of technology on dress model sites. The study will benefitinformation systems professionals and marketing practitioners who continue toexplore and evaluate the impact of technology on online stores.

Keywords: apparel industry, business-to-consumer (B2C) e-Commerce, customerexperience, dress model technology, goal-focused shopping, information systemsmanagement

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About the Authors:

The authors are associated with Pace University, USA.

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