2007 has taken off on a great note with ERP treasure chestoffering all basic functionalities for your business in one package.Development is vegetative in IT world and growth can be seen in varioussegments, these changes are inevitable, whacking business growth.

ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning covers basic functionalityof your business regardless oforganizational business. All business vertical are utilizing ERP solutions forbest business practices. ERP software package provides solutions that cover allfunctionalities of a business. Peeping behind ERP development we findtraditional software development system that does not have proper communication network, database system are notunified so no dynamic changes in real world can be seen. ERP software packagebusiness solutions provided a unified database where all the changes made arereflected in real world. Change in one module is reflected in subsequentmodules interlinked without communication gap, updation is very fast. Let ustake an example, HR department, Payroll department, financial department allare interlinked as information from one is needed to serve and drive the otherdepartment, earlier departments needed to wait for information from otherdepartments to proceed as updation where not dynamic and the departments neededto request for data.

With ERP development, ERP software solutions provide unified database and data synchronization across various modules, reflecting changes inreal world.

ERP implementation provides customization of software to suit your businessneeds or an enterprise can modify business processes to Best Practices(modifying functionalities of in compliance to yourbusiness). ERP implementation involves cost, change in employees work naturedepending on business size and change scope. ERP implementation may involvethird party companies and vendors, they are responsible for consulting,customization and support.

ERP Consulting is the first step of ERP implementation. Basically thisincludes planning, training for using the ERP product, how ERP can beincorporated in your business, how it will improve your existing system,extracting complex data, optimizing system, implementing Business Intelligence,testing the implementation. System architect designs overall workflow of thesystem, dataflow and processes triggers. Then the business consultant goesthrough the existing business processes and compares to ERP system processes, configuring ERP system to your business needs. Technical consulting may make somemodification in the software to fulfill your business needs.

ERP Customization is the second step of ERP Implementation, involves writingnew user interfaces and code. Customization is more complicated so companiesaccept Best Practices.

ERP implementation and customization has provided rich interface for effective communication, more secure working environment as computer security isadded benefit. Companies may face problem in future if they do not analyze properly the existing business system and there may be improper matching of existing business processes to that of processes in the ERP system.

Proper investment, proper planning, training,implementation, testing and protecting industry policies make ERPImplementation a success.

Inspite of the myriad services and benefits the softwaresolution offers it has its own limitations: limited customization,re-engineering (best practices) very often leads to loss of competitiveadvantage, ERP implementation is very costly, ERP vendors charge very huge forlicense renewal. Also, ERP are too rigid to adapt to specific workflow andbusiness processes of few enterprises leading to failure. Network maintenance is anintegral part of the system and a link failure will bring the complete systemto stand still. Resistance to sensitive information reduces the effectivenessof the complete system.

ERP development in India has seen an exponential growth as India is hub for international offshore IT outsourcing. India is a developing nation and small and middle sized companies havestarted heeding to improving their business solutions.

About the Author:

Rakhi, is a SEO content writer at Icreon CommunicationsPvt. Ltd., e-tomato,provider of customized & enterprise solutions. e-Tomato helps clients to implement enterprise solutions by integrating and customizing SAP Business One software package.



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