T-Shirts in todays world have carved an irreplaceableposition in our closets. Right from button-less ones to the collared variety,from graphic T-Shirts or designer wear, they have become a part of our life. Inthis maze of designer wear and graphical imprints, if you open your closet tofind something matching with your dress, you may suddenly get hold of a longlost tee, which was once your favorite.

In the bygone years there was very little information, if atall any, about vintage t-shirts. However, slowly and surely collectors andT-Shirt aficionados have realized that there is a whole new collectors itemout there waiting for them. Unlike other collectibles this item can also beworn. This is, of course, only if the condition of the shirt is such that it iswearable. Popular T-Shirt companies are coming out with vintage T-Shirtsbecause the demand for these shirts is booming. So what are these vintageT-Shirts any way?

Vintage T-Shirts are categorized as those T-Shirts, whichare not necessarily old, but are produced in such a fashion that their overalllook gives an antique impression. So when you find a relatively old T-Shirt inyour closet, get happy because you just got your hands washed in treasure.Everyone has his or her own description or understanding about the termvintage, but in regards to tees, it depends upon how old it looks. Thus,sometimes your 5-year-old tee in good condition is deprived of its vintagebadge.

Vintage T-Shirts appear in various forms and graphics. Theonly concern is that the theme should necessarily be old, yet fashionable. Themost popular tees in this category are the concert tees. The price of these shirts also depends upon the theme that has been printed upon the T-Shirt. If itgives an authentic vintage aura then you are in for a lot of money.

In the case of vintage T-Shirts it is not necessary thatthey be old. You can have a T-Shirt that dates back to just a few years and itcan be called a vintage T-Shirt. Do remember, that we are talking about theworld of T-Shirts. Here anything that is about two months old gets slotted asan antique piece. Its funny but true.

There are cases wherein people come and complain that thetees look spanking new when they were expecting them to have that worn-outvintage look. Another facet to this is that if you search long enough then youwill definitely find vintage T-Shirts dating back to 60s, 70s and the 80s.Vintage T-Shirts are basically offshoots of the billion-dollar T-Shirtindustry. They are niche products that at times do not have any aesthetic valuebut are frightfully expensive. So if you are looking for vintage T-Shirts thenbe clear as to what you expect out of them.

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