Rain gear will keep you warm and dry not only whenbicycling, but also when hiking, power walking, boating, motorcycling, golfing,walking the family dog, star gazing, etc. Rain gear is the way you stay drywhen doing anything out in the elements.

Whether it's breathable waterproof, or non-breathable waterproof rain gear it's the comfortable fitting, stylish protection you want when working orplaying in the great outdoors. When maximum warmth and dryness are the goal,non-breathable rain gear is the top choice. It holds in all body heat, whilekeeping outside moisture from penetrating. On the other hand, when you findyourself in need of rain protection during times of strenuous activity such asjogging or vigorous cycling, breathable rain gear is a great choice. Breathablerain gear has moisture transfer qualities. It allows the fabric to moveaccumulating body moisture from the inside of the fabric to the outside. Youstay dry inside and out.

When the unexpected rain shower suddenly appears, you want aquality, lightweight, smart fitting and easy-to-get-to piece of rain gear inyour day pack, saddle bag, fanny pack or backpack. Rain gear that doesn't takeup precious space is the sportsperson's best friend. At the first hint of rain,you can have immediate protection, keeping your clothing dry as the downpourcontinues. Your rain gear pants, jacket and helmet cover will shed the rain,keeping you dry, warm and comfortable underneath. It's like having an instanttent!

Without proper rain gear protection, you may arrive at yourdestination soaking wet. It's easy to understand how uncomfortable andinconvenient this would be. With proper rain gear protection you will saveyourself time, and avoid the frustration and discomfort of wet clothes. Imaginehow uncomfortable it would be to find yourself in the middle of a bike ride, agolf game, a leisurely walk or hike when an unexpected rain shower begins. Yousuddenly realize that you are without quality rain gear protection. You wouldfind yourself at the mercy of the elements, and soon would be wearing clothingthat was soaking wet. Ugh!

You might find yourself on the fourth green preparing for that important putt for par when the rains suddenly begin. You reach into yourgolf bag and pull out your lightweight rain gear and within moments you arewarm and dry. You comfortably line up your putt and sink it. A little rainisn't going to stop you from enjoying yourself. With proper rain gear, you caneasily and instantly slip into waterproof clothing. Rain gear such as waterproof pants and jackets will help you continue on your way, confident in knowing that the restof your trek, ride, game, walk, or camping experience will not be ruined bycontinuing showers or intermittent downpours.

In addition, the best rain gear offers the added advantageof making your ride, walk, or trip a safer one with its reflective patches thatwarn auto traffic of your presence at night and in low visibility situations.

The best rain gear offers the great advantage of being bothlightweight and compact. It takes up very little space in your backpack, saddlebag, golf bag, day pack or purse. Because it is completely waterproof, shedding all water, it dries out quickly. When the sun breaks through, these quality raingear products are easily stashed away. Good rain gear will surely be one ofyour favorite traveling companions.

The best rain gear is a fashionable, practical way to insurethat your outdoor activities continue to bring you pleasure even amidst theever changing moods of Mother Nature. Don't leave home without your rain gear,and you will be prepared for the great outdoors and all the wonders and joys itcan provide!

About the Author:

For more comparisonsof breathable and non-breathable raingear,
visit http://www.bicycleclothing.com

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