If you remember that perfect shirt, how comfortable it wasand how it felt, you might find yourself asking why some clothing feels betterthan others. The reason, is the fabric first and then the design.

When looking for that perfect shirt, remember that natural fibers are often thebest, especially linens and cottons for summer.

Pure linen is ideal for summer clothing. This comes indifferent weights from very ultra thin to heavy. While the lighter ones are preferred for blouses and dresses, the latter are suitable for summer jackets and slacks. Purelinen tends to wrinkle easily, and will need pressing. To minimize this,consider a luxurious blend of linen and cotton. The blend is especially goodfor jackets and slacks.

What is linen? The term "linen" refers to yarn and fabric made fromflax fibers; however, today it is often used as a generic term to describe aclass of woven bed, bath, table and kitchen textiles because traditionallylinen was so widely used for towels, sheets, etc. In the past, the word alsoreferred to lightweight undergarments such as shirts, chemises, waistshirts,lingerie, and detachable shirt collars and cuffs. Linens were manufacturedalmost exclusively of fibers from the flax plant Linum usitatissimum. Buttextiles made of cotton, hemp, and other plant fibers have also been referredto as 'linen', which can make the exact referent of the term somewhat unclearand confusing to the buyer.

Linen textiles may be the oldest in the world. Their history goes back manythousands of years. Fragments of straw, seeds, fibers, yarns and various typesof fabrics which date back to about 8000 B.C. have been found in Swiss lakedwellings. Linen was used in the Mediterranean in the pre-Christian age. Linenwas sometimes used as currency in ancient Egypt. Egyptian mummies were wrappedin linen because it was seen as a symbol of light and purity, and as a displayof wealth. Some of these fabrics, woven from hand spun yarns, were extremelyfine and cannot be matched by modern spinning techniques.

So why is Linen so comfortable? Linen fabric breathes, much like human skin, itcan absorb up 20% or more of its own weight in moisture, while still feelingdry to the touch. Linen also absorbs the moisture rapidly which makes itwonderful for bath and kitchen towels. You and your dishes will dry quickly.Even better, your drinking glasses will be lint free.

Linen is also truly healthy. Linen cannot provoke allergies, it is anti-staticand can even help soften and preserve the skin due to its natural pH balance.The non-allergic, antibacterial, and antimycotic (Suppressing the growth offungi) properties of linen are emphasized more and more often and is somethingthe buyer should seriously consider.

Thanks to linens temperature-regulating properties. In hot weather, linenabsorbs moisture and excess heat, while in cool weather it retains body heat.Highly absorbent and a good conductor of heat, linen fabric feels cool to thetouch.

Over time linen becomes softer and even more comfortable.

Cotton is also a versatile material. There are many types of cotton availableand cotton too is especially suitable for summer attire.

Crinkle cottons are ideal for casual shirts, pull on pants, and skirts. Cottonshirting is perfect for casual summer dresses and blouses. This has a soft,luxurious feel. Though it will require pressing, it is well worth the effort.Cotton pique feels rough to the touch because of the slightly raised weave.This is available in a wide range of coordinating seasonal summer prints as well as solid colors. It is most frequently used for blouses, unlined jackets, andvests. This fabric is easy to work with.

Cotton damask is ideal for dressy summer clothing and is versatile enough touse for all sorts of attire from slacks and dresses to jackets and blouses.Cotton batiste is an elegant fabric that is in great demand for blouses. Thiscomes in various weights from lightweight to heavy. The Swiss cotton batiste isby no means cheap. French seams are preferred since theyll be visible.

Between the many choices of cottons and linens, choosing your next shirt shouldbe a breeze and keep you comfortable and cool throughout the summer.