The term "Linen" is generally used to describe aclass of woven and knitted fabrics used in and on beds, bath, tables, and inkitchens. Originally, many household items were made out of linen, but today,the term has is more often applied to related items that are not true linen;other items made of cotton or various synthetic materials.

Use of linen textiles dates back thousands of years, makingthem some of the oldest textiles in the world. While function may have changedthroughout the years, linen is still a prized textile and is used for bothsimple and elegant purposes. One of the most common uses for linen is on thedinner table. Multiple forms of this fabric are used to decorate an eating-place,giving it a welcoming and relaxed feel. Some of the common types of tablelinens are listed and discussed below.


A tablecloth is simply a cloth that is used to cover atable. There are many factors to consider when choosing a tablecloth.Typically, tablecloths are made of cotton or an artificial fabric, so that theywipe clean easily. There are other more expensive options as well, includingcloths made from silk, lace, or linen. In addition to the fabric used, one mustdecide on the quality of cloth needed, as well as the style and shape. Thebasic function of a tablecloth is to protect the table underneath it from beingscratched, stained, or damaged in some way, but they may also be used fordecoration. By placing the tablecloth on the table in a certain way and bycoordinating with other items on the table, a unique dinner setting can beachieved. The possibilities of how to position the tablecloth are many, butonce decided upon, coordinating the rest of the table is a little easier.

Similar to a tablecloth, a table runner may also be used asprotection and decoration for a table. A table runner is like a small versionof a tablecloth, so it only covers part of the table. It can be placed in a waythat allows part of the surface of the table to be revealed, or it can beplaced over a tablecloth to give an added decorative flair. Most commonly,runners are used as placemats when placed across the width of a table, or as aprotected spot for other decorations down the center of the table.

If a runner is not used, traditional placemats may be placedat each seat instead. A placemat is a protective pad usually made out of cloth,paper, or plastic. Their primary function is to protect the table from food,heat, or water damage, but they are also used for decoration. Cloth placematsare used more commonly for decorating, especially ones made of lace, silk, orother fine fabrics.


Adding to the decorative theme of a table is the napkin, orserviette. In many cases the napkin is a simple rectangle of cloth or paperthat is used for wiping the mouth and hands while eating. While it is simplyfolded and placed to the left of the place setting, in high-end restaurants andat fancy dinners, the napkin may be folded into more elaborate shapes anddisplayed on the plate.

It is clear that linens have a wide variety of forms andfunctions in the world. The quality and comfort that they can offer isunmatched as they continue to be a part of the dining experience. The fact thatthey have become such a large part of that experience shows how engrained theyare in society. Meal times are one of the most important times of the day, soit is no wonder that we would want the calm look and relaxed feel that linenscan bring to the dinner table.

About the Author

Read more about french linens, including frenchdishware and cookware, french tablecloths and table linens, as well asan assortment of runners, placemats, and napkins.