
The paper presents a research activity on the powers of cultural heritage as applied on textile art/designeducation. The current work is based on experience of previous years works. The project intended to develop new strategies for cultural education and to contributeto the active textile education field. The teaching assignments wished to setup a line of research on educational innovation in the textile art/designfield. Examples from both the research and teaching programs are offered here, targetingto contribute to the textile art practice, to the active textile designeducation, and to offer new opportunities for young designers.


The necessity fororiginal textiles with identity, and the wish to stimulate Greek textile design production, was the starting points of the teamworks research activities andthe basis of the educational projects. The working team investigated thepossibility for textile design innovation that results from the thorough studyof local tradition and cultural heritage, theoretically and practically. The case study involved teaching projects on textile art and textile designdevelopment, and investigated the practical and academic value of an extensiveknowledge of cultural heritage in the design process, not only among textiledesigners but also among those working in the applied arts. The participatingstudents were guided towards design works that are inspired by their design heritage,through using the new perspectives of technical developments with the idea of combiningheritage, tradition, culture and innovation.



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About the Author:

The authoris Associate Professor, Technological Educational Institution of Athens,Faculty of Graphic and Applied Arts, Interior Design Department, Athens, Greece.