A bracelet is defined as an ornament designed to be worn onthe wrist or arm. Specifically, bangle bracelets are rigid bands that caneither be hinged or solid and are some of the most popular designs in modernjewelry. Because of the significant amount of metal used in the design of abangle, these bracelets are typically more expensive than a typical chaindesign. For this reason, many jewelry lovers turn toward sterling silver forthe most affordable and boldest designs in bangle bracelets.

Incase you may be wondering why this type of sterling silverbracelet is so very popular among jewelry connoisseurs, the reasons are many.First and foremost, sterling silver is a durable metal that measuresapproximately 2.5 to 2.7 on the scale of hardness. Believe it or not, thismeans that sterling silver is actually harder than some types of gold.Durability is one of the most desirable qualities in bangle bracelets, which iswhy they are so very popular in sterling silver. In addition, women can enjoy abolder look in sterling silver at a fraction of the price of gold. In terms ofwear and cost, bangle bracelets designed in sterling silver are a perfectmatch.

When it comes to accessorizing your favorite jewelry, thesepopular bracelets are a design dream. The ability to easily convert frombusiness to casual makes bangles a good investment for the woman who needs tomaximize her jewelry wardrobe. It's just as easy to wear a bangle to work inyour favorite business suit as it is to toss on your favorite jeans, a plainwhite t-shirt and set out to run several afternoon errands. When the eveningdraws near, you will also find that a simple black dress will come to life withthe addition of the right accessory. For many, bangle bracelets are the perfectchoice for any wear and everywhere.

If you are a lover of bracelets, the bangle design willoffer you a classic look with a modern twist. Featuring styles that includepolished, textured and those showcasing gemstone accents, the solid nature ofthe bangle will provide a look that's traditional and a durability that givesyou the perfect combination of movement and reassurance in your choice ofaccessories. Whether at fun or at play, this popular design in bracelets issure to have you raising your hand in victory. Best of all, the bangle is verymuch in style for the upcoming season making any woman who wears it one whoknows her fashion and stays atop of the current trends.

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