Bear Stearns is gone, Lehman Brothers is gone and MerrillLynch is almost gone. Three out of the five great walls of the Wall Street(USA) have collapsed. Thanks, to JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America; at leasttwo out of these three unfortunate Investment Banks did not meet the same fateas the Lehman Brothers Inc. The recession had engulfed three of the topInvestment Banks of the world. However, these three were not alone; plenty ofbig and small companies around the world have tasted the bitter taste ofrecession. Nevertheless, the question still remains; is your company insulatedfrom this financial Tsunami?

Recession is a part of macroeconomic cycle. Therefore, itoccurs after a certain period; but this time it is not a usual recession. Theon-going recession is equivalent to the great depression of 1930. Governmentsall over the world are taking stringent measures to counter recession at themacroeconomic level. However, would that be any relief for individualcompanies, which are already suffering the consequences of this massiverecession? The answer is a clear cut "NO". The reason is simple.Macroeconomic patchwork would not be enough to save individual companies.Therefore, companies around the world would have to take instant measures tocounter this frightening recession.

"Survival of the fittest" is the law of nature. Ifan organization is not fit to compete with others, then eventually it wouldperish. "Strategy" is the key word to save a perishing business.Therefore, if a company is almost at the verge of a deep trouble, then the beststrategy is "To strategize". But the most difficult question is howto strategize? The best way to strategize is as follows:

  1. Improve your liquidity position by enhancing the inflow of cash and restructure your organization. Take all the possible measures to sustain the cash balance of the company and cut short your expenses. Strong liquidity base will give a new life to your company.
  2. Search for new sources of income. A regular inflow of cash is very essential to sustain any business. Search for new corporate clients and sustain the existing clients.
  3. Last but not the least; bring immunity to your business for a long-term survival and growth.

You might have been aware of all these steps of survival,but just to have the required knowledge about these steps would not help you.In order to survive, you would have to efficiently implement these steps inyour corporate entity. The current recession is not an ordinary recession; itis a financial torpedo, which will destroy many small and big companies aroundthe world. The only way to survive from this monster recession is bystrategizing your business in the best possible manner.

About the Author

Corporate Turnaround is aimed at companies experiencing aslump in business and facing no prospect of improvement in the foreseeablefuture. For more information please visit us:

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