The rubber soled thong sandals known as flip-flops-referredto as jandals or slippers in some other cultures- have existed in one way oranother for over 6,000 years, although the vernacular term "flip flop"attributed to them is of recent lineage, and is actually a trademark term ownedby a German company who produces them in their product line. The precursor tothe modern flip flop dates back to ancient cultures, where Egyptians wore thesethong shoes as a sign of royalty and privilege, with some women decking theirparticular sandals with jewels and Pharaohs wearing a style of the sandals thatwere turned up slightly more than those worn by the common man. Depictions ofthis footwear can be found in ancient Egyptian cave paintings. Footwear in manyearly cultures was a sign of rank and position in society, and flip flops werecertainly no exception.

Given the status accorded these ancient shoes, it might beassumed that only the finest materials were always used, however this was notalways the case with these sandals worn throughout history. While today's flipflops are usually made of rubber construction, different cultures created flipflops using varied materials such as papyrus, palm leaves, rice, raw hide,canvas and wood, to name a few. The materials used were simply an extension ofthe culture's available textile and agricultural supply. Egypt would most likely use papyrus while Rome would use leather to create sturdy flip flips thatmilitary generals could wear. In addition to social status, flip flops providedprotection and a defense against diseases easily transmitted through contactwith the soil.

While the basic style of a flip flop remained the same-aflat footed sandal with one strap around one of the toes-there were variationson the basic theme. Some ancient cultures placed the strap around the big toewhile others used the second or the middle toe. The Japanese developed a formof the sandal called the "Zori" which they used in teaching childrenhow to walk. Modern forms of this woven flip flop appeared on the beaches of New Zealand in the early 20th century.

Zoris continued in prominence as a key catalyst forintroducing flip flops into common culture, beginning in World War II when soldiers broughtthem back as keepsakes, and then after the Korean War when rubber versions ofthe sandals were brought back by soldiers as well. From that time in the 1950'son, flip flops became part of the rage in popular culture as their constructionand durability made them usable as common footwear.

After flip flops entered popular culture soon everyone wasseen sporting these inexpensive styles of footwear, regardless of individualstatus in society. California in particular made flip flops prevalent on thebeaches and as more and more people wore them eventually the flip flop crazespread across the nation. They continued as a largely informal style offootwear worn by everyone, and because of their inexpensive construction provedto be ideal for people in developing countries as well, often selling for lessthan $1 and in some cases being constructed from disposable materials such asrecycled tires.

As with blue jeans, which started out as informal attireworn in public and gradually attracted the attention of fashion designers, flipflops have evolved into fashion statements of their own. Dressier versions ofthe sandals such as the British Havaianas have some gold studded versions ofthe footwear, and other styles are made of leather and suede and are deckedwith jewels. Hollywood's stars and supermodels have been known to wear thesedressier, more expensive versions to premier events and there are also flipflops created for men, and those for brides to be as well. Flip flops willcontinue to be used in one way or another. They can function as informal orformal accessories, depending upon the occasion, and are appropriate for peoplein all classes of society. Whether you decide to use them as expensive fashionstatements or just to flop around the house, flip flops are a versatile anddurable form of footwear that are here to stay.

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