Fine jewellery is forever. It transcends time and age. Right from creating jewellery items out of flowers and pebbles, to adopting metals like gold and silver for longevity, jewellery has always been popular. While some designs are more suitable to a particular time, there are others have seem to be just as magnetic thousands of years after they were designed. A few so called evergreen designs, continue to form a part of almost all jewelry stores,all over the globe.

Be it Helen of Troy or Cleopatra or for that matter the more contemporary Madonna, women have always adorned jewellery to enhance their look. While women are often associated with jewellery, this is not to say that men are far behind. Right from bracelets, rings to neck pieces; jewellery is loved by men and women alike. The magnetism of a finely crafted jewellery piece is unequaled by any other accessory and the fact that it can be easily handed down through generations adds to its charm.

The magnetism of well crafted jewellery makes it highly desired. No other accessory is as impact-full as jewellery that combines fine quality and good workmanship. While platinum and gold jewellery has been rather popular especially on the red carpet, lately we find that fine silver jewellery is not far behind. But what is it about jewellery that makes is so much more desired and valued as opposed to other accessory items.

The fact that jewellery is seen as an investment over and above being just an accessory is one of the main reasons for its popularity.Unlike other accessories such as bags, shoes and watches that loose value overtime, jewellery is seen as an investment that will rise in value over the years and can be easily converted, if need be, into liquid cash.

Of course gold is seen as much more of an investment as opposed to silver jewelry but fine silver jewelry has indeed carved a niche for itself over the last few years. The affordability of fine silver jewellery is highly luring for buyers, though gold jewellery still rules the international market due to its better resale value. However, be it gold or silver jewellery,its charm lies in the flawless execution of its designs.

Be it contemporary designs or those inspired from the age old Scottish era, the trick to identifying fine jewellery is, understanding the perfect blend of aesthetic designs and authentic metals. One without the other cannot be classified as good jewellery. Fake jewellery pieces not only rob your pocket but, could also damage your skin over time. So, when looking to buy-platinum, gold or silver jewelry, keep in mind that the metal must be of pure content. One must ensure that the jewellery being bought is authentic over and above being appealing too. Therefore, it is recommended that the purchase be made from a dependable source and a certificate of authentication be procured too.

Indeed, it is true that fine jewellery has much more than just cosmetic advantages, though having all eyes on your when you enter a party is definitely a great attraction when setting off to buy an adornment.