The fashion industry has come a long way and has grown intoone of the largest industries in the world. On account of the growth of thisindustry, the use of technology in this field has increased. Fashion designingsoftware is increasingly being used by fashion designers.

Fashion designing software greatly aids the work of afashion designer and held in more effective performance. They help in saving alot of a time, money and energy. These software packages help the designer inexperimenting with a number of textures, colours and patterns for producing theperfect design. They provide a variety of sketch backgrounds, tools fordesignings and repeating patterns and texture mapping.

Basically, there are two types of software that fashiondesigner can choose from vector-based software or raster-based software. Vectorimages are also object-oriented drawings. Vector images provide greaterresolution and quality as compared to raster images cab be resized withoutdegrading the quality of the image. They are much smaller than raster images.Raster images are more realistic than vector images. They can be used to createa natural picture by providing a number of special effects. It is for thedesigner to decide whether to use vector-based software or raster basedsoftware.

Some other factors to be considered while deciding uponwhich designing software to use are the computer hard derive space, memory,processor speed and operating system requirements. Most of the software caneasily be purchased online.

The right fashion designing software helps the designer inexpanding his creativity by allowing him to experiment with a wide range ofdesigns, patterns, textures and colours. More work can be achieved in less timewith the help of such software, which helps in increasing productivity.


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Aboutthe Author:


Authoris Associate Professor and Head, Department of Textiles & Appareldesigning, College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur (Raj.)