
New processes of design, industrialization and manufacturemake it possible to extend the technical possibilities, and to better satisfysometimes contradictory needs (weight, functions...) to which the traditionalhomogeneous materials answer with difficulty. The time of thinking fibers as source of producingclothing and home textile products is still vibrant in the market, however, thewave of innovation is inundating higher. Land, water and air- all arewitnessing the fascinating services of textiles. Today, it is one of thegigantic disciplines of product development for engineering applications. Interms of the material performance, textiles can be seen working at theinterdisciplinary level by offering the several technical advantages that maynot be accumulated in a single material traditionally known.

The advancement in material sciencehas placed an increased emphasis in finding novel or innovative substitutes toexcel in performance the existing composites. Lighter in weight, flexible inhandling, soft in touch, comparable in strength with metals, modifiable in sizeand shape; and all these characteristics in an affordable price had providedthe interesting novel applications to textile materials. Therefore, it is notunusual to realize a stream of innovative fibrous composition in above andbeneath the land space.

Composite materials arereplacing day by day the conventional metallic materials due to their lightweight, high strength, design flexibility and long life. This article coversclassification of composite materials, multilayer woven reinforcements intextile composites which are more and more employed in textile composites,especially for various applications due to their relatively higher strength,more uniform properties and reduced manufacturing cost.

Key Words: composite materials, properties,applications, traditional materials.

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The author is a student of D.K.T.E, Ichalkaranji

Thispaper was also presented at event under national level grand fiestaPRAGYAA-2010 Department of Textile Technology of SG G S I E &T., Nanded.