
What is REACH?

REACH is a new Europeancommunity regulation on chemicals and their safe use. REACH stands for Registration,Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals.

Registration: Companies in the EU making or importing more than one ton of achemical substances per year register in a central database. Producer/Importerwould have to collect and submit information on each chemical properties, usesand safe handling. Testing may be required.

Evaluation: Public authorities would look in more detail at registrationdossiers and at substances of concern.

Authorization andRestriction of Chemical substances: Use-Specific permission would be necessary for chemicals thatcause cancer, mutation or problems with reproduction, or those which accumulatein bodies and environment. The European commission and the European ChemicalsAgency would have the power to restrict the use of certain substances in theEu.It is estimated that the first list of authorization will include about 900SVHC; and the SVHC will be increased to 15,00 after 11 years.

REACH has come into force in June 2007 to replace 40 existing chemicalsregulations and directives. Substances in volumes over one ton per year mustneither manufactures nor imported in the EU (even in preparation/Mixtures andarticles under certain conditions), unless they are registered.

It is assumed that about100,000 substances defined as "existing chemicals" will be altered byREACH. There is a list of more than 700 chemicals will regulate and list ofchemicals revised at least once per year required by Act.

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TheAuthor is associated with Textile Centre.PCSI Labs, Karachi