Recently, Daqing Petrochemical Company plant newly developedacrylic "gel dyeing of acrylic fibers" smooth in the 10000-tonindustrial production line to enlarge the production, this is the first time,the plant received two textile enterprises in Jiangsu and Hebei, the order,quickly made a response.
According to market user information, the new development and production ofacrylic fiber gel stained total light yellow, light beige, light gray, camel,red brown, dark brown in six colors. Produced samples with user-supplied notonly consistent with standard sample, but also some of the new products, morethan 28% shrinkage rate, the product color in full compliance withuser-supplied fiber color & Poor's criteria, and all products were lessthan an aberration, the product all the targets to achieve superior qualityAcura requirements.

As the development of this gel dyeing of acrylic fibers in a high technologycontent of products have broad market prospects, in order to truly establish a"desire to help customers achieve" business philosophy, DaqingPetrochemical acrylic plant technology sector three years ago, according to themarket user requirements, carried out gel dyeing of acrylic fibers researchproject in Daqing Petrochemical Company technology development division of thevigorous help of the Technology Section in the factory the factory party andgovernment leaders, chief engineer with the support of the use of the country'sonly research and development of 500 tons of acrylic fiber Center-based advantages,and actively carry out technical development to prepare, has tackled acrylicstained unevenly, tow whiten the technical difficulties, the various technicalparameters of amplification applied to the 10000-ton acrylic spinningproduction line, realized the scientific research incubator for the productionof the successful results, quickly Daqing Acrylic Fiber Plant's technicaladvantages into economic advantages.

Gel dyeing of acrylic fibers, also known as "colored fibers",which is forming in the acrylic fiber in the gel state, by adding dyes, dyesetc. The corresponding raw materials, the fiber quickly coloring dye. Geldyeing fiber dyeing has many technical advantages: the traditional chemicalfiber dyeing time, up to more than 100 minutes, while the new technology ofproduction requires only a transient gel stained fibers; than the traditionaldyeing process of saving pre-treatment, dyeing, drying and other multi-channelprocesses, and thus lower energy costs. As Dyes on fast, high color fastness,colorful, capability sun, sweat soaked, washed, etc., so has been welcomed bycustomers.

The gel dyeing of acrylic fibers development and production of truerepresentation of the acrylic fiber plant in Daqing Petrochemical Company,"is to help others help themselves" business philosophy, DaqingPetrochemical Company of acrylic works make use of its technical superiorityand advanced wastewater treatment conditions, a positive for the downstream thesake of the textile users, not only to help the textile printing and dyeingenterprises to reduce costs, and more importantly, for users to save a coloredtextile wastewater treatment process links, eliminating the need forsmall-scale textile enterprises downstream dyeing the formation ofenvironmental pollution problems, reflects the Petrochemical Company "mutual benefits and common development, "values


TheAuthor is a professional editor from China Suppliers