
A systematic approach to improve theexisting tools and processes used by the artisans engaged in carpet sectors toenhance the productivity and the quality of the finished products in a costeffective manner have been initiated in 2000 by IIT Delhi. Several machineslike Carpet Loom, Scrapping Machine, Drying Machine, and Tools used in carpetmanufacturing have been developed and tested in many carpet manufacturingbelts, namely, Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Jaipur, Srinagar and other places of India. Among those two machines, namely, a carpet loom and a scrapping machine are taken upin this paper for further improvement to reduce their cost. The loom is astatic structure and the scrapping machine is a dynamic system. This paperpresents the overview of these newly developed machines and the associatedfeatures. In order to get wider acceptance to the users, the machines should beavailable at affordable prices. Hence, as a part of further improvement,modeling and optimization of the loom and scrapping machines are undertaken.

Key word- Carpet Loom, ScrappingMachine, Handmade Carpet


In recent time, if the highly labourintensive handmade carpet industry has to compete with the machine madecarpets, it has to use innovative products by improving the associated deviceswhich will improve the quality and rate of production. It should also provide asafe working environment. Handicraft sector is one of the largest exportearners of India and it provides employment to a large number of craft-personsacross the country. It is facing a tough competition from other handicraftexporting countries of Asia-Pacific region due to market liberalization. Also,this labour intensive carpet industry has to compete with the machine madecarpets. Thus, it has to improve mechanical devices which will improve thequality and rate of production. At the same time the safe working environmentof the craft-persons should be improved using ergonomic principles wherever itis possible to do without significant increase in the cost.

Manufacturing of carpet involvesseveral processes, as illustrated Fig. 1. A project with the aims to improveprocesses, tools and machines involved in manufacturing of carpet was initiatedin IIT Delhi in 2000. In the project a range of machines, processes, and toolsdesigned and developed. They were Carpet Looms of different sizes, Scrappingmachines for carpet washing, drying machines, Moisture measuring device,Semi-automating washing machine, Embossing trimming device, and hand tools. Thesetools and machines have been tested in many carpet manufacturing belts, namely,Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Jaipur, Srinagar, Bhalsar and other places of India. Among those two machines, namely, a carpet loom and a scrapping machine are taken upin this paper for further improvement to improve their performance and reducetheir cost.

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Authorsare associated with, Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi