
Textile fibres have long played a vital role inthe medical and health care sector. However, the role played by fibre-basedmaterials has advanced dramatically in recent years. For example, Bioglassfibres are now used in tissue engineering to create new bone structures, andtextile scaffolds are being used to promote cell growth and build cellstructures. The small cylindrical tubes made from biocompatible materials, arehelping to support and keep open veins and arteries. Many are complexstructures and require the use of sophisticated manufacturing technologies.

Fibres are also being used in nerve regenerationtechniques to repair injuries resulting from trauma or surgery. Furthermore,devices made from textile fibres can be implanted to release therapeutic drugsat controlled rates and for controlled lengths of time.

Bandages have themselves evolved into advanceddressings which enable antibiotic and other drugs to be delivered directly tothe parts of the body where they are needed. Some incorporate agents forstopping blood loss quickly.

Sutures have evolved from natural materialsobtained from animals intestines to advanced biodegradable or bioabsorbablematerials which eliminate the need for further medical attention once stitchinghas taken place. In casts, moisture-curing resins and glass fibres offer alightweight and more comfortable alternative to plaster of Paris.

Advances in cell growth technology include theuse of cell scaffolds made from microfibre membranes. Advances in textilefibres and conduits developed in order to guide nerve reconnection. Other areasof development include antimicrobial fabrics for medical uses and medicalgarments.

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Author is a student in Third year, B-Tech Textile Technology, K.S.Rangasamy collegeof technology, Tiruchengode