All textile manufacturers worldwide are trying to developtheir machines to improve not only quality, productivity and energy consumptionbut the attempts are made to make processing eco-friendly. The processinginvolves preparatory, dyeing, printing and finishing.

Textile processing occupies a predominant position in theentire textile value chain. A substantial cost is involved in conversion ofgrey fabric to a dyed and finished fabric.

Globalization is the buzz world today. One of theconsequences of globalization is competitiveness. That means consistentproduction of products at competitive prices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buyer's demand is increasing day by day.

How can we produce products at competitive prices?

What do we mean by advancements in technology?

Do we need technology in textile processing?

Whether technology helps to economies finished products? Aquestion that is very important today's context.

Last decade has led to the development of continuous rangeslike CBR and CDR. This ranges facilitated high production ratewith a very good reproducibility and a high cost saving. Latest CBR's wereequipped with Pre Washers, "Hi-Squeeze" Mangle, a unique design ofImpregnator with MAT technology permitting with dosing system and automaticcontrols, Combi-Steamer, Efficient Washing Units and Dryers, E-control givingcorrect moisture content on fabric. The latest development is Airflowmachine where liquor ratio was reduced to minimum level of 1:3 and mistwere used to move the fabric. Unlike Jet dyeing machine, fabric is opened up byflow of air reducing the creases. Closed HTHP jiggers were developedwith low liquor ratios of 1:2 to dye PET in open width. The high speedstenters with self lubricating chains leading to very low maintenance hasbeen developed. To make stenters eco-friendly, exhaust air is cleaned beforedischarge.

Recent recession in textile industry has further increaseddemand for processing machinery with high productivity and low input cost.

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The author is Final Year Textile Chemistrystudent at D.K.T.Es Textile & Engineering Institute.