
Needle cuts are a recurring problem in many apparel sewing plants and unfortunately there's little that can be done to remove them. Once the garment is in the consumer's hands the needle cuts can take an even more destructive route turning into long runs. So just what causes these insidious little defects and how can they be avoided?

Needle cuts occur when the point of the needle penetrates the fabric and severs the fiber structure creating a hole or a run.

The needle point is the part of the needle starting at the beginning of the top of the needle eye and ending at the needle's tip.

Variables that Can Cause Needle Cuts

Needle cuts can be caused by a variety of reasons. One of the most common causes of needle cuts is the presence of a burr or rough spot on the needlepoint. When the needle penetrates the fabric the burr or rough spot severs the fibers. Burrs and rough spots are often not visually detectable and sometimes can't even be detected by feeling the needle. To remedy this situation the machine that is causing the needle cuts should be identified and the needle changed immediately.

Using the wrong needle for a specific fabric construction can also result in needle cuts. To accommodate different fabric constructions, needle points are manufactured in a variety of sizes and profiles.

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Originally Published in New Cloth Market, January-2011