
The concern for the degrading environmental conditions due to the irresponsible use of chemical products has led to worldwide efforts to develop eco-friendly fibers in the ever-expanding horizon of textile fibers, with a vision to bring about a drastic reduction in global consumption of harmful non-biodegradable products. The highly competitive atmosphere and the ecological parameters becoming more stringent make it the prime concern of the textile industry to be conscious about ecology. More and more clothing companies are providing clothes made from eco-friendly fabrics. Demand for these clothes is increasing too. This makes sense given the environmental issues we're faced with in today's world. These eco-friendly fibers can be incorporated as whole or parts of materials and products of various forms and performance properties for wide-ranging applications. This paper highlights some of the eco-friendly fibers like Ecospun fiber, Soy silk fiber, Recycled polyester fiber, Corn fiber, Aloe Vera fiber, Nettle fiber, Pineapple fiber, Milk protein fiber, Bamboo fiber, and Banana fiber. The worsening environment of the earth makes it a necessity to increase the pace of the ongoing research in the development of eco-friendly fibers and their utilization.

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The authors are associated with Dept. of Textile Technology, GSKSJTI, Bengaluru, Karnataka.