
This project deals the study of maximum utilization of machine to improve the machine efficiency and machine efficiency is defined as the ratio,expressed as a percentage of the actual production per shift to the maximum possible production, if each spindle has work continuously for the entire duration of the shift. Even under ideal circumstances, certain losses inefficiency would be inevitable, and these must be allowed for when judging the extent of control exercised by a mill on machine efficiency. The Machine Efficiency Index (MEI) provides a convenient way of doing this.

This project study is taken for 2 different counts-9 combed wool and 24 carded count. Results are collected of before and after implementation of remedial measures.


Ring spinning has been in existence since its introduction by an American, JohnT horpe in 1828 and then Jenks developed the traveler that rotated on the ring.These two steps opened the door to our current ring spinning technology that is the standard of yarn manufacture. Other spinning technologies have been developed that are higher in productivity, but are lacking in many aspects of the yarns desirable characteristics.

Ring spun yarn has retained its position as the system that produces the strongest,finest, softest and most lustrous yarn and fabric. To spin high quality yarn thigh spindle speeds the fibre and its preparation have to be controlled to high standards. The ring frame cannot spin superior yarn from inferior material or roving.

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The authors are associated with the Centre for textile functions (CTF), NMIMS MPSTME Shirpurcampus, Shirpur, Dist- Dhule, Maharashtra