
In clothing industry which must realize high quality flexible product, place and role of QFD method in the framework of the QMS quality loop has for a goal achievement of precisely defined level of quality which suites users' demands. For the first time in our clothing industry suggested method is applied in the example of female denim trousers. Contemporary industrial production of clothing demands permanent innovation and improvement of product and production processes.Aggressive competition on global level, and demanding buyers cause fast pace of changes in technological processes. Therefore today's technological systems are characterized by orientation to productivity, while future ones will be characterized by orientation to quality. Higher application of informatics technology and knowledge management brought to new ways of planning and clothing production techniques in order to create high quality clothing product.

Unpredictable market trends, expansion of nanotechnology and construction of new textile materials with use in all aspects of life (medical textile, ambient textile) brought to:
     *     Increase in frequency of introduction of new products;
     *     Changing of parts of existing products;
     *     Great and frequent changes of fashion trends of clothing products and their combinations;
     *     Changes in application of rules (standards, safety at work, environment preservation,
            use of Oeko-Tex standards)
     *     Changes in technological process.

Producers of clothing products should, therefore, choose business strategy for adaptation to changes in the surrounding, to study without fail and implement TQM approach for strategic management, as well as QFD method for efficient reaching of goals of clothing products improvement.

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Danijela Paunovic is associated with The College of Textile Design, Technology and Management, Belgrade and Milutin R. Djuricic is associated with the Faculty of Industrial Management, Krusevac

The article is originally published in Tekstilna Industrija, September 2011.