
The blow room constitutes the primary stage of spinning, ensuring the smooth processing of raw material for subsequent stages. This study investigates the impact of beater speed, grid bar setting, and cotton trash percentage on Uniclean (B 11) for cotton quality characteristics. Efficient opening and cleaning of raw materials are essential for successful fiber spinning. The beating point of the Uniclean machine is contingent upon the trash content in cotton. With this perspective, various settings, cleaning intensity, and the relative amount of waste of the cleaning machine, which affect fiber rupture, cleaning efficiency, good fiber loss percentage in waste, and subsequent yarn quality, were adjusted. For PM (51% PIMA: 49% MCU-5) mixing, the settings demonstrated reduced good fiber loss in waste and increased blow room performance, enhancing yarn quality while maintaining the same mixing ratio.


The cotton textile industry holds a significantly influential position in India's economy. To meet the demands of the rapidly advancing textile industry and the quality-conscious global market, comprehensive information about lint cotton characteristics, the industry's raw material, is crucial. This knowledge aids in producing quality goods at competitive costs by reducing wastage and enhancing productivity.

"Cotton" serves as the raw material for yarn and fabric production in the textile industry. Various types of cotton are purchased from different regions, exhibiting diverse properties such as length, strength, fineness, trash, and maturity, contingent upon cultivation differences. Cotton is supplied to mills in bales, initiating the processing from the blow room.

Over time, with technological advancements, high-speed machines were designed to achieve greater opening and cleaning efficiency. Previously, a typical blow room line for cotton cleaning involved four to seven beating points, focusing on gradual material opening and cleaning. However, recent trends aim to minimize machines in the blow room line, with modern lines incorporating only two to three beating points. This shift is attributed to the introduction of machines with enhanced opening capabilities. Most spinning mills in India are equipped with modern cleaning setups in the blow room.

The authors are associated with NMIMS MPSTME, Centre for Textile Functions, Shirpur.