We all love the feel of soft carpet under our foot when we walk barefoot in our own domain i.e. our house. When we are at home we really love to laze around the house and move about barefoot in our house. So having the proper carpet and rug in your house is very important. However you must know that carpets and rugs are not the same thing and there are some differences. There are several types of carpets for you to choose from for using in your residence. Residential carpets are also different from commercial carpet.

Residential carpet is the one source that is bound to make your house look beautiful. Carpets can be categorized to three categories regardless of whether they are used as residential carpet or commercial carpet. The three major types of carpet are needlefelt carpet; loom produced woven carpet and tufted carpets. Usually carpets are rolled up from wall to wall of a room covering the entire area of the room. There are carpets of different color, design and make for you to choose from.

Loom produced woven carpet are generally multi colored with intricate and exotic designs. Deciding to buy a carpet for your house actually takes a great deal of effort form you. You need to study and plan very carefully and make a very wise choice. Choosing the proper color pattern for your residential carpet is very important. If your room is small and a bit darkened then white carpet can be a great choice. However if you have young kids and children at home then white carpet is not the option for you. It will be really difficult for you to keep your carpet clean and in good condition.

A dark and natural colored carpet is a wise choice for you to invest in if you have kids at home. The dark colored carpet can easily hide the soil deposit, which is something very common in houses where there are kids. Also natural colors tend to merge with different colors. So the next time you think of changing the color of the paint in your room, you do not have to change your residential carpet also. Bright and attractive colored carpets are also a good choice for you to invest in.

Just putting up the carpet of your choice is not enough; you will have to take proper care of it and keep it really clean at all times. If there are any spills in your carpet make sure to clean it our immediately. You can use clean and cold water to clean up the stain from your carpet with tissue paper or soft towels. Vacuum the soiled spot as soon as possible so that the spill is removed easily and no harm is caused to your residential Carpet

When you are at home try to avoid wearing shoes. This goes a long way in keeping your carpet in good condition. If you have a great residential carpet that is soft to walk on barefoot, no one will take any offence to walking barefoot in your house. Regular vacuum cleaning is sure to keep your residential carpet in a very good condition.

About the author :

Stephen Robins loves doing up and designing house interiors. He has been involved with advising people in finding out and using the best carpets for decorating their house and workplaces. If you want more information about commercial flooring, Commercial flooring contractor, Commercial carpet, residential flooring in New York visit www.citycarpet.com

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