The ozone laundry system for commercial washers in hotels and nursing facilities can reduce hot water use by up to 80% with an average of 50%. The energy saved from hot water reduction can pay for a system within two years in most cases, and less than one year in many cases. Other benefits include whiter, brighter, and longer-lasting linens. Also, ozone provides superior bacterial control, especially MRSA.

Commercial, institutional, and industrial laundries are designed to handle a wide range of fabrics that become soiled in a large number of ways. Such facilities handle linens and towels, pads, clothes, uniforms, and restaurant linen. In its role as a powerful oxidant and biocide, ozone eliminates or alleviates a variety of laundry problems. The equipment is market-proven and offers large cost savings that have an immediate positive effect on the bottom line.

Although the properties of ozone have been known and studied since the mid-19th century, it is only during the last two decades that it has been applied in commercial and industrial contexts. Initially, circa 1906, ozone was used as a clarifying, deodorizing, and purifying agent in drinking and wastewater treatment plants in Europe, where it gained a level of acceptance over the years. In the late 1970s, its properties were investigated in the US by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, and various military installations. These studies confirmed the disinfecting and resource conservation benefits of ozone. Despite the broadened interest in ozone during the past two decades, it is only in recent years that interest has shifted to the utility of this substance for the commercial and industrial laundry industries. After several failures, technology has advanced to the point that ozone can be applied usefully and profitably in this context.

Ozone is a gas with a pungent odor that is formed by the breakdown of elemental, diatomic Oxygen (O2) and the recombination of a percentage of the oxygen atoms into a triatomic molecule (O3). Although normal oxygen, a component of the atmosphere, is a powerful oxidizing agent in its own right, ozone has much stronger oxidizing properties and reacts more quickly, often in fractions of a second, with a wide range of substances. In addition, it is one of the most effective biocides known to science, better even than chlorine, bromine, and other commonly used disinfectants. Unlike the latter substances, however, it does not form hazardous disinfectant by-products (DBP's) such as dioxin and nitrites that are harmful to the environment or are toxic to animals and humans.

Once ozone has fully reacted with substances in water or air, excess gas decomposes quickly to normal oxygen and is reabsorbed into the atmosphere.

Ozone can be generated from two sources: ambient air or pure oxygen. Because it reacts so easily with other elements and is inherently unstable, it exists for only a short time before combining with another substance or reverting to normal oxygen. Accordingly, it must be generated on-site at the point that it is to be used. Unlike chlorine and other dangerous disinfectants, it does not need to be handled, transported or stored, thereby posing little hazard to personnel at the facility. Finally, when used in proper concentrations, ozone is an effective corrosion inhibitor, and in the wash room context can reduce the need for substances like chlorine, which are extremely corrosive for equipment and fabrics. In its role as a powerful oxidant and biocide, ozone works in the context of commercial and industrial laundry wash rooms to boost the cleaning activity of the various chemicals & chemical compounds. It works in several ways:

Replenishes oxygen in the wash water:

Many chemicals in the wash cycle are themselves oxidants and require oxygen in their reactions with the different types of soils. Ozone, itself a form of oxygen, increases the supply of that substance, thereby increasing those chemicals' effectiveness as cleaning agents leading to a reduction of harsh chemicals in the washing. This reduces cost & increases safety.

Purifies the wash water:

Ozone oxidizes the soil components of the wash water causing them to form precipitates or to go into suspension so that they can more easily be removed from the wash liquor. By this process, the chemicals themselves are reenergized and the load on them is reduced, so they can be used in even smaller quantities and still be more effective.

Works at lower water temperature:

Cold water means less costly water. Cold water means less wear on the linen.

Disinfects the wash water:

As one of the strongest commercially available microbiocides, ozone destroys all bacteria, viruses, blood pathogens and other harmful microorganisms found in the soiled fabrics. Garinents are not only cleaner, but also do not pose the threat of passing along communicable diseases to either the users or the laundry workers.

Decomposes fats, oil and grease (FOG):

Industrial laundries use strong chemicals at high pH levels to remove FOG from uniforms, mats and wipers. By infusing ozone into the wash water, these items are more easily and thoroughly cleaned with smaller quantities of harsh chemicals. The bonds that hold many of the FOG molecules together are broken and the carbon compounds are removed in the break water as dissolved C02. Broken bonds of the FOG's means that even less detergent is needed for the same cleaning results.

A bleach alternative:

Ozone is a very strong oxidizer and can perform the same role as a bleach as does chlorine, but without creating harmful DBP's such as THM and dioxin. It also works with hydrogen peroxide in the bleach cycle to provide maximum bleaching power without producing dangerous side effects. Therefore, using the OLSSTM reduces the possibility of side effects from chemicals that can harm employees and the environment.

Prevents Redeposition:

Heavily soiled wash water often leads to the redeposition of the soil onto the fabrics being cleaned, causing a noticeable graying and color degradation of the material. By removing the soil elements from the solution and increasing the cleaning power of the chemicals, ozone prevents redeposition and cause a higher proportion of the soil to be removed in the break giving whiter fabrics with less bleach.

Efficient Deodorizer:

'Odor in soiled fabrics is often caused by sulfur and nitrogen compounds or by petrochemicals in the soil. Ozone's ability to break the single and double bonds that hold the molecules together in those compounds allows it to eradicate the odors and, in cases where the latter result from microbes, to prevent them from recurring. Ozone has been used successfully by the dry cleaning industry to remove the smell of smoke, fish and other strong, odors from soiled garments.

Improves fabric "look and feel:

Even some of the most soiled fabrics come out clean with OLSSTM.

Originally published in the New Cloth Market, March, 2012.

About EnvirO3maticTM Ozone Oxidation System

Ontario based Coinamatic Canada Inc. offers Ozone Oxidation System Envir03matic- which provides superior disinfection power of ozone (03) and oxygen (02) to the laundry while reducing operating costs and environmental impact.