The textile industry is one of the major energy consuming industries and retains a record of the lowest efficiency in energy utilization. About 23% energy is consumed in weaving, 34% in spinning, 38% in chemical processing and another 5%for miscellaneous purposes. Thermal energy is major for chemical processing while power dominates consumption pattern in spinning/weaving. Thermal energy in textile mills is mainly consumed in 2 operations. They are heating of water and drying of water. Fuel usage in a textile mill is directly proportional to amount of water used. Therefore, if use of water is reduced, it will also save energy. The need of energy management has assumed paramount importance due to-the rapid growth of process industries causing substantial energy consumption in textile operations. And this has made pathway to conservation of energy which can be affected through process and machinery modifications and implementation of technological advancements relating to process optimizations well as development of newer methods to meet the challenge of substantial energy saving in textile wet processing. Hence, there is a requirement for replacing the conventional ways by the latest methods which will lead to considerable savings in terms of time, money and energy. Energy crisis globally, as well as high cost of fuels resulted in more activities to conserve energy to maximum extent.

Hence,it is an important aim of industrial fundamental research to develop new technologies to optimize conventional processes in order to conserve energy by basically adopting novel concepts discussed in the paper.

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