Indian women of 35-55 years of age witness many physical changes in the body. These body changes causes shift in clothing patterns and apparel preferences. These women require major adjustment in the available ready made garments which have many fitting problems. Younger women are lapping up the merchandise on offer bythe women's apparel brand but the mature women are still hesitant in accepting the ready made garments because sizes and dimensions of the ready made garments are not suitable for their body. This is the reason why this age group still prefer customized fitting of their garments. The present paper deals with the reviews on midlife body changes and clothing needs of the people.


Demographic studies all around the world show that the world is ageing. Population aging is going to be most prominent global phenomenon of the 21st century.This process of aging is going to continue for next few decades. Median age that divides the population of the country in half, is an indicator of aging of the population, is also gradually increasing. Europe has the median age of 39years and Japan which has the worlds oldest population has median age 43years. Median age for India is 26.2 years and China has a median age of 33years.

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