
Myanmar is a land with rich natural resources such as big forests and mineral ores. The mainstay economy is agricultural production and the government is carrying out the development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well. There is nearly a hundred percent use of natural things and handicrafts still remaining in our country. The developed countries utilize only the hi-tech products and they have almost on utilization of handicrafts and natural products. As for the developing country like ours itis found that there are still utilization of natural products and handicrafts.One of the most popular handicraft activities in Myanmar is the traditional weaving.

2.Brief History of Textile in Myanmar

According to historical record, Myanmar Textile Industry has lasted over thousands of years. Ancient mural-painting, Palm-leaf writings and literatures indicate thatthe weaving industry thrived in the Bagan, Inwa and Amarapura eras.

Wall painting of ancient pagodas, antique wood carvings and sculptures manifest the high quality of apparel woven by means of traditional weaving gears.Traditional weaving gears are hand operated, but it is possible to produce all brilliant textile wears and clothes.

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About the Author:

Mr.Thein Lwin (MA, Myanmar Language and Literature; Post Graduate Diploma in Archaeology P.G.D.A.) is theDeputy Director General of Department of archaeology, National Museum andLibrary, Ministry of Culture of Myanmar.

This article wasoriginally presented at the 2nd ASEAN Traditional Textiles Symposium, Manila, February, 2009.